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الصراع الاجتماعي باستخدام مراحل الصراع لسيمون فيشر في مجموعة قصص "العبرات" لمصطفى لطفي المنفلوطى

Rizkiyah, Rosianti Chairur (2024) الصراع الاجتماعي باستخدام مراحل الصراع لسيمون فيشر في مجموعة قصص "العبرات" لمصطفى لطفي المنفلوطى. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

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مستخلص البحث

الصراع الاجتماعي هو ظاهرة تُشاهد كثيرًا في المجتمع وفي الحياة اليومية. يمكن أن يحدث الصراع الاجتماعي على مختلف المستويات، بدءًا من المستوى الأصغر إلى الأكبر. يهدف البحث المتعلق بالصراع الاجتماعي إلى معرفة كيفية حدوث مراحل الصراع، والتي تنقسم إلى خمس مراحل: ما قبل الصراع، المواجهة، الأزمة، النتائج، وما بعد الصراع. والهدف التالي هو معرفة أشكال الصراع التي تظهر في مجموعة القصص القصيرة العبرات لمصطفى لطفي المنفلوطي باستخدام منظور سيمون فيشر. تنقسم أشكال الصراع إلى ستة أنواع: الصراع الداخلي، الصراع بين الأفراد، الصراع داخل المجموعة، الصراع بين المجموعات، صراع القيم، والصراع البنيوي. تعتمد عملية البحث على منهج وصفي نوعي. وأُجريت تقنية جمع البيانات باستخدام أسلوب القراءة والتدوين مع مراعاة أربعة مؤشرات للصراع، وهي ما قبل الصراع، المواجهة، الأزمة، والنتائج. ونتيجة لجمع البيانات، وُجدت مراحل الصراع في قصتين تم دراستهما، وهما القصة بعنوان "الشرف" و"السلالة الأخيرة". كما وُجدت أشكال الصراع في القصص التي تم تحليلها وفق منظور سيمون فيشر. أما تقنية تحليل البيانات المستخدمة في هذا البحث فتتضمن أربع مراحل: جمع البيانات وتصنيفها، تحديد البيانات وتبسيطها، عرض البيانات وتحليلها، واستخلاص النتائج. وخلص تحليل البيانات إلى أن القصتين المدروستين تمران بجميع المراحل الخمس وفقًا لسيمون فيشر، كما وجدت الباحثة أن الشكلين الأكثر تكرارًا للصراع هما الصراع الداخلي والصراع بين الأفراد.


Social conflict is a phenomenon that is often encountered in society and everyday life. Social conflict can occur at various levels, from the smallest to the largest. This research related to social conflict aims to find out how the process of conflict stages occurs which is divided into five stages, namely, pre-conflict, confrontation, crisis, consequences, and post-conflict. Then the next aim is to find out what form of conflict occurs in the short story collection "al-'Abaraat" by Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluthi using Simon Fisher's perspective. This form of conflict is divided into six forms, namely intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, intragroup conflict, intergroup conflict, value conflict, and structural conflict. The process of this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique in this research uses reading and note-taking techniques by looking at four conflict indicators consisting of pre-conflict, confrontation, crisis and consequences. The result of this data collection technique was the discovery of stages of conflict that occurred in the two short stories studied, namely the short stories entitled Honor and Last Descendants. As well as the discovery of forms of conflict in the short stories studied from Simon Fisher's perspective. There are four stages of the analysis technique used in this research, namely data collection and classification, identifying and simplifying data, presenting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this data analysis technique were that the researcher found that in the two short stories there were five stages according to Simon Fisher and the researcher also found that the forms of conflict that often occurred were intrapersonal conflict and interpersonal conflict.


Social conflict is a phenomenon that is often encountered in society and everyday life. Social conflict can occur at various levels, from the smallest to the largest. This research related to social conflict aims to find out how the process of conflict stages occurs which is divided into five stages, namely, pre-conflict, confrontation, crisis, consequences, and post-conflict. Then the next aim is to find out what form of conflict occurs in the short story collection "al-'Abaraat" by Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluthi using Simon Fisher's perspective. This form of conflict is divided into six forms, namely intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, intragroup conflict, intergroup conflict, value conflict, and structural conflict. The process of this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique in this research uses reading and note-taking techniques by looking at four conflict indicators consisting of pre-conflict, confrontation, crisis and consequences. The result of this data collection technique was the discovery of stages of conflict that occurred in the two short stories studied, namely the short stories entitled Honor and Last Descendants. As well as the discovery of forms of conflict in the short stories studied from Simon Fisher's perspective. There are four stages of the analysis technique used in this research, namely data collection and classification, identifying and simplifying data, presenting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this data analysis technique were that the researcher found that in the two short stories there were five stages according to Simon Fisher and the researcher also found that the forms of conflict that often occurred were intrapersonal conflict and interpersonal conflict.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Supervisor: Zawawi, Mohammad
Keywords: الصراع الاجتماعي، سيمون فيشر، القصص القصير
Departement: Fakultas Humaniora > Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
Depositing User: Rosianti Chairur Rizkiyah
Date Deposited: 31 Dec 2024 08:50
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2024 08:50


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