Sa'adah, Syifa Najmiatu (2024) NOPUBLISH 4/7/2024 Identifikasi gugus fungsi senyawa antioksidan tanaman anting-anting (Acalypha indica L.) berdasarkan perbedaan daerah dan pelarut pengekstraksi menggunakan kemometrik berbasis spektrum FTIR. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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anaman anting-anting (Acalypha indica L.) adalah tanaman yang tersebar luas diIndonesia yang memiliki berbagai manfaat, termasuk sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi gugus fungsi pada metabolit sekunder dalam tanamananting-anting yang memiliki potensi sebagai aktivitas antioksidan. Identifikasi ini didasarkanpada perbedaan lokasi tumbuh dan jenis pelarut pengekstraksi yang dikorelasikan dengananalisis kemometrik, yaitu Partial Least Square (PLS). Sampel tanaman anting-anting diambildari Tuban (TBN) dan Banyuwangi (BYW), serta empat jenis pelarut yang digunakan, yaitu n-heksana, kloroform, etil asetat, dan etanol p.a. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan penentuanaktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH, pembuatan spektrum FTIR,pengelompokkan ekstrak berdasarkan pelarut pengekstraksinya menggunakan PrincipalComponent Analysis (PCA), dan identifikasi gugus fungsi yang berkontribusi terhadapaktivitas antioksidan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengkorelasikan antaraaktivitas antioksidan (IC50) dengan spektrum FTIR (absorbans) menggunakan PLS, gunamengidentifikasi gugus fungsi yang berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap aktivitasantioksidan.Ekstraksi tanaman anting-anting dilakukan menggunakan metode maserasi selama 3x24jam pada suhu ruang dengan menggunakan pelarut n-heksana, kloroform, etil asetat, danetanol p.a. Ditentukan aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak tersebut dan diperoleh nilai IC50 untuksampel TBN n-heksana, TBN kloroform, TBN etil asetat, dan TBN etanol p.a berturut-turutsebesar 342,43 ppm, 406,05 ppm, 574,65 ppm, dan 509,32 ppm. Sedangkan, nilai IC50 untuksampel BYW n-heksana, BYW kloroform, BYW etil asetat, dan BYW etanol p.a berturut-turutsebesar 566,64 ppm, 242,06 ppm, 659,13 ppm, dan 478,76 ppm. Pada penelitian ini,spektrum FTIR yang diperoleh tidak dapat dibedakan karena spektrumnya kompleks dansaling tumpang tindih. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan tahapan preprocessing agar didapatkanspektrum yang lebih halus sehingga dapat diinterpretasi, dan dikelompokkan dengan baikmenggunakan PCA.Score plot PCA memberikan hasil komponen utama (PC) yang mencapai 87% dari totalvarians. PC-1 menjelaskan 74% dari varians, dan PC-2 menjelaskan 13% dari varians. Selainitu, dilakukan analisis PLS untuk mendapatkan korelasi antara absorbans spektrum FTIRdengan aktivitas antioksidan (IC50) ekstrak anting-anting. Hasil PLS menunjukkan bahwasampel yang aktif terhadap antioksidan adalah Banyuwangi kloroform (BK), Tuban n-heksan(TN) dan Tuban kloroform (TK). Hasil PLS mengidentifikasi gugus fungsi yang berperanmayor terhadap aktivitas antioksidan, di antaranya gugus fungsi O−H stretch, C−H stretchdan C=O stretch. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa senyawa alkaloid, terpenoid, flavonoid, fenolik,dan saponin berperan penting dalam aktivitas antioksidan tanaman anting-anting (Acalyphaindica L.). Model PLS pada penelitian ini tergolong memberikan hasil yang baik karena R2mendekati
Anting-anting plant (Acalypha indica L.) is widespread plant in Indonesia that has various benefits, including as an antioxidant. This research aims to identify functional groups on secondary metabolites in anting-anting plant that have potential as antioxidant activity. This identification is based on differences in growing locations and types of extracting solvents correlated with chemometrics analysis, i.e. Partial Least Square (PLS). Anting-anting plant samples were taken from Tuban (TBN) and Banyuwangi (BYW), as well as four types of solvents used, namely n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and ethanol p.a. In this reasearch, determination of antioxidant activity using the DPPH method, making FTIR spectra, grouping extracts based on the solvents they extract using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and identification of functional groups that contribute to antioxidant activity was carried out. In addition, this research also aims to correlate antioxidant activity (IC50) with FTIR spectra (absorbance) using PLS, to identify functional groups that contribute significantly to antioxidant activity.
The anting-anting plants were extracted using the maceration method for 3x24 hours at room temperature with the solvents n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and ethanol p.a. The antioxidant activity of the extract was determined, and the IC50 values for TBN n-hexane, TBN chloroform, TBN ethyl acetate, and TBN ethanol p.a samples were 342.43 ppm, 406.05 ppm, 574.65 ppm, and 509.32 ppm, respectively. Meanwhile, the IC50 values of BYW n-hexane, BYW chloroform, BYW ethyl acetate, and BYW ethanol p.a samples were 566.64 ppm, 242.06 ppm, 659.13 ppm, and 478.76 ppm, respectively. The FTIR spectra obtained in this study were complex and overlapping, making it impossible to distinguish them. As a result, a preprocessing stage is required to produce a smoother spectrum that can be correctly interpreted and grouped using PCA.
The PCA score plot identified principal components (PCs) accounting for 87% of the total variance. PC-1 explained 74% of the variance, while PC-2 explained 13% of the variance. In addition, PLS analysis was used to determine the relationship between FTIR spectra absorbance and antioxidant activity (IC50) of the anting-anting extract. According to the PLS results, the antioxidant-active samples were Banyuwangi chloroform (BK), Tuban n-hexane (TN), and Tuban chloroform (TK). PLS results revealed functional groups that play important roles in antioxidant activity, such as O-H stretch, C-H stretch, and C=O stretch. It can be concluded that alkaloid, terpenoid, flavonoid, phenolic, and saponin are compounds play an important role in the antioxidant activity of anting-anting plants (Acalypha indica L.). The PLS model in this study is classified as good because R2 is close to 1.
حنحب).LindicaAcalypha(ُ ُمُْتح ائِدحلحه ُ فحوحا وحاسِع ٍ يف ِ إِنْدُونِيسْيحلحى نِطحاق ٍ وحْتحشِر ُ ع نحات ٌ يح نحبحهُوحةِ.دححادَّات ُ اح ْلْحكْسح مُضحةٌ، ِبِحا يف ِ ذحلِكلِفة ِ إَِلححاسحذِه ِ احلدِرحح هتحهْدِف ْاتححلْبظِيفِيَّة ِ يف ِ احلْمُسْتحقحات ِ احلْوحجْمُوعحَتح ْدِيد ِ احلْمحاح نحشلحى أحن ْ تحكُونحة ُ عحا احلْقُدْرحْه حيَِّتِ لحد اَتحت ِ احلْقُرْط ِ احلحاحلثَّانحوِيَّة ُ يف ِ نحبحةِ.دححادًّا ل ِْلْحكْسطًا مُضاقِع ِ اححوحح فحات ِ يف ِ ملحى اح ِلِخْتِلححا احلتَّحْدِيد ِ عذحح هعْتحمِدحي ُاج ِ احلْمحات ِ اح ِلِسْتِخْرحاع ُ مُذِيبحْو أحنحلنُّمُو ِ و ِبَّع ِ اح ْلُْزْئِي ِ اح ْلْحصْغحرحائِيِ، أحي ْ احلْمُرحِ ِبِلتَّحْلِيل ِ احلْكِيمْي رْتحبِطحة(PLS).َّحتْنِبحاط ِ مِن ْ تُوحْر اَتحت ِ اح ْلْحقحيِنحات ٍ مِن ْ نحبحأحخْذ ُ ع(TBN)اجِيحنِيوِبحو(BYW)ْاع ٍ مِنحْو ة ِ أحنحعححافحة ِ إَِلح أحرْبِبِْلِْض ، ْانحكْس اح ْلْححهِيحةِ، وححمات ِ احلْمُسْتحخْدحاحلْمُذِيبْْثحانْول ايحح ت ْ اح ْلِْيثِيل ْ ولحخححلْورُوفُورْم ْ وكو.ِيفِذحه ٍحةحام ِ طحرِيقِ ِبِسْتِخْد حةدححادَّات ِ اح ْلْحكْسحاط ِ مُضح َّ َتح ْدِيد ُ نحشةِ، تحاسحه ِ احلدِرDPPHْ طحيححاءح َّ إِنْشتح، وFTIRَّحتح، وَِِنحت حوحام ِ َتح ْلِيل ِ احلْمُكِ ِبِسْتِخْد اجحات ِ اح ِلِسْتِخْرحلحى مُذِيبحات ِ بِنحاء ً عحَتح ْمِيع ُ احلْمُسْتحخْلحصِاحلرَّئِيسِيَّة(PCA)ِت ْ يفا َهحححَِّتِ س ظِيفِيَّة ِ احلحات ِ احلْوحجْمُوعحح َّ َتح ْدِيد ُ احلْمتح، و ِِْبِْلحةِ.دححادَّات ِ اح ْلْحكْسحاط ِ مُضنحشحة ِ (دححادَّات ِ ا ْلْحكْسحاط ِ مُضبْط ِ نحشحة ُ أحيْضًا إَِلح رحاسحذِه ِ الدِرحح ، تحهْدِف ُ هحافحة ِ إَِلح ذحلِكض50IC)ٍ طحيْفحعحمFTIRاصِ)ح(ا ِلِمْتِص ِحامِبِسْتِخْدPLSٍحبِريحكْلٍ كاهِم ُ بِشحَِّتِ تُس ظِيفِيَّة ِ الحات ِ الْوحجْمُوعح، مِن ْ أحجْل ِ َتح ْدِيد ِ الْمحةِ.دححادَّات ِ ا ْلْحكْسحاط ِ مُضيف ِ نحشَّحة ِ احلنحام ِ طحرِيقِ ِبِسْتِخْد اطحْر ات ِ اح ْلْحقحاج ُ نحبحح َّ اِسْتِخْرت ِقْع ِ لِمُدَّة3×24ِِ ِبِسْت ة ِ احلْغُرْفحةحارحرحة ِ ححجححرة ٍ يف ِ دحاعحس ْانحكْسات ٍ اح ْلْحححام ِ مُذِيبخْدn-ْحلْورُوفُورْمالْكحوح ت ْ احلحخحو ُْْلح َّ احتححة ِ لِلْمُسْتحخْلحص ِ ودححاد ِ ل ِْلْحكْسحاط ِ احلْمُضح َّ َتح ْدِيد ُ احلنَّشا ْلِْيثحانُولْ. تحْلِْيثِيل ْ و ِمحلحى قِيحصُول ُ ع50ICْيِنحات ٍ مِنحلِعTBNْانحكْساح ْلْحوTBNحلُورُّوفُورم ْ وكTBNححت ُ اح ْلِْيثِيل ْ ولحخTBNْاحيثحانُولْمِن342،43ppmو406،05ppmو574،65ppmو509،32ppmلحىحع ُمححانحت ْ قِيقْت ِ نحفْسِه ِ ، كحيف ِ احلْوحِلِ . و احَّو احلتIC50ِيِنحاتحلِعBYWْانحكْساح ْلْحوBYWحلُورُّوفُورم ْ وكBYWححت ُ اح ْلِْيثِيل ْ ولحخBYWْاحيثحانُول566،54ppmو242،06ppmو659،13ppmو478،76ppmِلِاحَّو لحى احلتحع.ِ طحيْفحُيُْكِن ُ َتحْيِيز ةِ، ِلححاسحذِه ِ احلدِرحيف ِ هFTIRح َّ اح ْلُْصُواحلَّذِي ت َِّ ْلِحن َّ احلط لحيْهحل ُ ع ُحة ِ لِلْحُصقحة ِ احلْمُسْبا ْلحححلحة ِ احلْمُعحرْححة ٌ إَِلح محاجحح حح ، هُنحاكحلِكحاخِلٌ. لِذمُتحدحقَّد ٌ وحح مُعيْفُُ ُيُْكِن ُ تحفْسِريُه يْثَبِح َّ حقلحى طحيْف ِ أحدحول ِ ع ِحامٍ ِبِسْتِخْد حِيحححكْل ٍ ص َتح ْمِيعُه ُ بِشحوPCA.ح دحفِرحُو ت َّةح ُمُحطحجحر ِطPCAِحوِن ِ احلرَّئِيسِي احلْمُكحنحتحائِج(PC)َِّتِ تحصِل ُ إَِلح احل87%ححسِرُف ايُنِ. يحَّب ِلِ ِ احلت ا ِْجْحمِن ْ إ74%1-PCححسِرُف يحايُنِ، وحَّب مِن ْ احلت2 13%-PC َتح ْلِيحاءحح َّ إِجْرح ، تحافحة ِ إَِلح ذحلِكِبِْلِْض ايُنِ.حَّب مِن ْ احلت ِلPLSِاص ِ طحيْفح اِمْتِصح ْيْحح قحة ٍ بلحلحى عحلِلْحُصُول ِ عFTIRُحاطالنَّشحو ِحةدححاد ُّ ل ِْلْحكْساحلْمُض(50IC) ِلِمُسْتحخْلحص ِ احلْقُرْط.ت ْ نحتحائِجحرحأحظْهPLS ْ ِبححانحتحةِ كدححادَّات ِ اح ْلْحكْسحانحت ْ نحشِطحة ً ضِد َّ مُضَِّتِ ك يِنحات ِ احلحأحن َّ احلْع ْحلُورُّوفُورماجنِْي كحنِيو(BK) ن ْ نِبح، تُو ْانحكْسحه(TN)ُّحلُور ن ْ كِبحوُتُو ْوفُورم(TK) .حت ْ نحتحائِجدَّدححPLSِحةِ، ِبِحا يفدححادَّات ِ اح ْلْحكْسحاط ِ مُضئِيسِيًّا يف ِ نحشححوْرًا رب ُ دحَِّتِ تحلْع ظِيفِيَّة ُ احلحات ُ احلْوحجْمُوعحاحلْم ُح َتححدُّدذحلِكH−OححادامْتِدحوH−Cُّظِيفِيَّة ٌ َتحْتحدحات ُ وحح َمح ْمُوعوO .=Cْ أحنحُيُْكِنح فُونُويدْ، احلْفِينُوِلح تْ،حلحاتْ، احلْفَّرْبِينُويد حلحوِيَّةح، احلتات ِ احلْقححبْكرح أحن َّ احلْمحنحسْتحنْتِج ُحاط ِ احلْمحوْرًا مُهِمًّا يف ِ احلنَّش دحبحِْيْ تحلْع الصَّابُونحو ِات ِ احلْقُرْطححة ِ لِنحبدححاد ِ ل ِْلْحكْسض(.LAcalypha indica).َّحت ِتحصْنِيف ُ َنحُوذحجPLSلحىحة ِ عحاسحذِه ِ احلدِرحيف ِ ه ْحة ً ْلِحنيِدح جحُعْطِي نحتحائِج أحنَّه ُ ي2Rْقحرِيب مِن1.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Supervisor: | Hayati, Elok Kamilah and Ningsih, Anita Andriya and Rafi, Mohamad |
Keywords: | antioxidant; Chemometrics; FTIR; Acalypha indica antioksidan; kemometrik; FTIR; Acalypha indica حات ُ احلْكِيمْيحاسححةِ، احلْقِيدححادَّات ُ اح ْلْحكْس: مُضFTIRح |
Departement: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Jurusan Kimia |
Depositing User: | Syifa Najmiatu Sa'adah |
Date Deposited: | 21 Oct 2024 09:04 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2024 09:04 |
URI: | |
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