Kurniawati, Siti Laili (2004) Hubungan antara Image Iklan Merk Aqua di televisi dengan minat membeli Produk Aqua pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Indonesia Sudan Malang. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Pengaruh minat dalam kehidupan dapat ditemukan dalam dunia periklanan. Minat konsumen pada perkembangan mutakhir ini sudah menjadi tolak ukur bagi pengembangan strategi periklanan (Sutisna, 2003:285). Iklan televisi yang dimodifikasi berdasarkan standart minat beli konsumen akan mudah menarik perhatian atau attention mereka terhadap isi pesan atau informasi yang disampaikan melalui televisi merupakan proses awal sebuah persepsi konsumen, yakni proses kognisi dalam diri mereka yang dimulai dari proses seleksi stimuli inderawi maupun stimuli struktural yang terkandung dalam iklan televisi tersebut.
Namun iklan televisi yang dibuat dengan biaya mahal itu harus efektif dan efisien, artinya mampu memperbaiki citra atau image produk di mata konsumen dan sekaligus membangkitkan minat mereka untuk mengadakan permintaan dan jika terjadi sebaliknya dari itu maka akan berisiko pada rusaknya image produk tersebut, kemudian berisiko pula pada kondisi pailit (rugi) perusahaan. Oleh sebab itu, berdasarkan beberapa fenomena tersebut peneliti tertarik untuk mengungkap mahal tersebut lebih jauh lagi kedalam bentuk penelitian dengan judul Hubungan Antara Image Iklan Merk Aqua الم Televisi Dengan Minat membeli troduk Aqua.
Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengetahui image iklan merk Aqua ditelevisi pada mahasiswa Psikologi UIIS Malang, 2) untuk mengetahui minat membeli produk Aqua pada mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UIIS Malang, 3) untuk mengetahui seberapa besar hubungan antara image iklan merk Aqua di televisi dengan minat, membeli produk Aqua. Tehnik pengumpulan datanya adalah angket dengan jumlah keseluruhannya adalah 73 orang mahasiswa Psikologi angkatan 1999-2002. Tehnik analisa data yang digunakan adalah korelasi produk moment
Hasil Penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara Image Iklan Produk Aqua dengan Minat Membeli Produk Aqua pada mahasiswa psikologi Universitas Islam Indonesia Sudan Malang artinya semakin sering menonton tayangan iklan produk Aqua di televisi maka semakin tinggi pula minat membeli produk Aqua tersebut. Dimana hal tersebut dapat dilihat hasil perhitungan koefisien korelasi (r) diperoleh sebesar 0.564 dan koefisien determinasi diperoleh 0.312 atau sebesar 31.2% yang menandakan bahwasanya Image Iklan Produk Aqua memiliki sumbangan terhadap Minat Membeli Produk Aqua pada mahasiswa psikologi Universitas Islam Indonesia Sudan Malang tersebut sebesar 31.2 % sedangkan sisanya (100% - 31.2% : 68.8%) dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor yang lain.
Interest influence in life could be detected in the world of advertisement. Consumer interest at this recent growth has become the directive for development of advertisement strategy (Sutisna, 2003: 285). Television advertisement which modification based on the buy interest standard of consumer will easy to draw attention or their attention to content order or information submitted through television is the early process of a consumer perception, namely the cognize process in their self which is started from select process of the stimuli also structural stimuli which implied in the television advertisement. However, television advertisement that made with the costly expense have to be efficient and effective, it’s meaning able to repair the image or product image in consumer view also improve their interesting to perform a demand and if happened as distinct from that hence will make risk of destroying the product image, also make risk at bankrupt condition of company. Therefore, based on the some phenomenon, researcher interested to express the mentioned farther into research form with title: the relationship between image of advertisement of aqua mark in television with the interest buy the aqua product.
As for intention of this research to know how big relation, between advertisements images of aqua mark in television with the interest buy the aqua product. A technique of its data collecting is questionnaires, which its total is 73 peoples of Psychology student of 1999-2002 generation. The data analyses technique that used is correlation of product moment.
Result of this research mention that image of advertisement of aqua mark in television of student of Psychology Faculty of UIIS of Malang is inclusive of high, the mentioned visible from obtained scale value of each aspect, namely attention aspect get the score value 218, belief aspect get the score value 224 and perception get the score value 206. While buy interest the aqua product of student of Psychology Faculty UHS of Malang at each aspect is inclusive of high, namely aspect of rational motif gets the score value 191 and aspect of motif emotional gets the score value 207,
While result of statistical calculation known that there is very significant relationship between image of advertisement of aqua mark with the buy interest the aqua product at student of Psychology Faculty of Indonesia Islam University Sudan Malang that its meaning progressively often look on to display the advertisement of aqua mark in television hence excelsior buy interest to the aqua product. The mentioned could known from calculation result of correlation coefficient (r) obtained equal to 0,564 and determinacy coefficient obtained 0,312 or equal to 31,2% showing that image of advertisement of aqua mark have contribution to the buy interest the aqua product at student of Psychology Faculty of Indonesia Islam University of Sudan Islam equal to 31,2%, while the rest (100% - 31,2 68,8% ) explained by the factors.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Supervisor: | Arifin, Zainul |
Keywords: | Image Iklan Merk Aqua; Minat Membeli Produk Aqua Image of Advertisement of Aqua Mark; Buy Interest The Aqua Product |
Departement: | Fakultas Psikologi > Jurusan Psikologi |
Depositing User: | Moch. Nanda Indra Lexmana |
Date Deposited: | 31 Oct 2023 14:22 |
Last Modified: | 31 Oct 2023 14:22 |
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/57195 |
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