Khasbullah, Ahmad (2012) Peran kepala madrasah dalam learning organization: Studi kasus di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Malang I. Masters thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Perubahan dari dalam (internal) maupun luar (eksternal) merupakan tantangan utama organisasi untuk terus hidup. Keberhasilan mengelola perubahan dalam organisasi belum cukup menjadikan organisasi mempunyai daya saing yang tinggi namun perlu diupayakan supaya organisasi mau belajar. Begitu juga dengan organisasi lembaga pendidikan, MAN Malang I harus mampu mewujudkan organisasi yang mau belajar, yaitu menjadi Learning Organization. Dalam upaya mewujudkan learning organization di MAN Malang I, perlu adanya peran dari kepala madrasah selaku pimpinan organisasi yang mampu berperan sebagai desainer, guru dan pelayan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala madrasah dalam learning organization di MAN Malang I, dengan sub fokus mencakup: (1) Apa saja bentuk-bentuk team learning di MAN Malang I, (2) peran kepala madrasah sebagai desainer (designer) learning organization di MAN Malang I, (3) peran kepala madrasah sebagai guru (teaching) leraning organization di MAN Malang I, (4) peran kepala madrasah sebagai (steward) pelayan learning organization di MAN Malang I.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data meliputi reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Pengecekan temuan dilakukan dengan cara triangulasi sumber, waktu, dan teknik. Informan penelitian yaitu kepala madrasah, wakil kepala bidang kurikulum, wakil kepala bidang kesiswaan, wakil kepala bidang humas, kepala TU dan perwakilan guru.
Hasil penelitian mengenai peran kepala sekolah dalam learning organization di MAN Malang I menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Team learning di MAN Malang I yaitu: (a) Team Program Setara D-1 di Bidang IT, (b) Team Akselerasi, (c) Team Olimpiade, (d) Team RMBI, Dan (e) Team Keagamaan. (2) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai desainer yaitu: (a) Membentuk social architectur dengan memberikan peluang kepada seluruh warga madrasah untuk berperan serta, membentuk tim 9 (b) Membentuk strategi atau kebijakan dalam menunjang visi, misi, dan tujuan MAN Malang I, (c) Menciptakan Proses Pembelajaran dengan mengoptimalkan MGMP. (3) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai guru yaitu: (a) memberikan pemahaman terhadap visi, misi yang ingin dituju MAN Malang I, (b) Memberikan pemahaman kondisi saat ini yang perlu ditingkatkan untuk menuju visi dan misi MAN Malang I berdasarkan delapan standar nasional pendidikan dengan menggunakan teknik problem solving. (4) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai pelayan yaitu: (a) komitmen kepala madrasah dalam mengulang-ulang visi madrasah melalui rapat, upacara rutin hari senin, dan setelah sholat berjamaah, (b) Mengembangkan SDM Madrasah dan Sarana Prasarana.
The change from the internal even external is the organization main challenge to keep on survive. the success in managing the change in the organization is not enough to make the organization has a high competition power but it is needed to attain so that the organization wants to learn. The same as educational organization, MAN Malang I should be able to realize the organization which wants to learn, that is, learning Organization. In the effort of realizing learning organization in MAN Malang I, it is needed to have the role of the headmaster as the head of the organization who be able to play an important role as the designer, teacher and steward.
The purpose of the research is to know the role of the headmaster in terms of learning organization in MAN Malang I, including sub topics: (1) What are the forms of learning team at MAN Malang I, (2) the role of the headmaster as the designer learning organization in MAN Malang I , (3) the role of the headmaster as the teacher learning organization in MAN Malang I, (4) the role of the headmaster as the steward learning organization in MAN Malang I.
The research applies qualitative research approach in a case study. The data collection was done by the interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis consists of: data reduction, data display and verification or conclusion drawing. Rechecking the finding was done by the using of triangulation source, time and technique. The research informant is headmaster, vice headmaster of curriculum, vice headmaster in terms of students, social relationship vice headmaster, the head of public staff and the teacher representation.
The result of the research about the role of the headmaster in terms of learning organization in MAN Malang 1 shows that (1) Team learning at MAN Malang I, namely: (a) Team Equivalent D-1 program in the field of IT, (b) Acceleration Team, (c) the Olympic Team, (d) Team RMBI, and (e) Team Religion. (2) the role of the headmaster as the designer is : (a) form the architecture social by giving the opportunity for all people in a school to take part in forming the team (b) form the strategy or policy in supporting the vision and mission also the goal of MAN Malang I. (c) create the learning process by optimizing MGMP (3) the role of the headmaster as the teacher is (a) giving the comprehension to the vision and mission which will be achieved by MAN Malang I (b) giving the comprehension of the recent situation which is needed to improve to achieve the vision and mission MAN Malang I based on the eight education national standards. (4) the role of the headmaster as the steward is (a) the commitment of the headmaster in repeating the school vision through meeting, weekly flag ceremony, and after praying. (b) developing human resources (SDM) and the school facilities.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Supervisor: | Sutiah, Sutiah and Mulyadi, Mulyadi |
Keywords: | Peran Kepala Madrasah; Learning Organization; The Role of The Headmaster; Learning Organization |
Departement: | Sekolah Pascasarjana > Program Studi Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Islam |
Depositing User: | Koko Prasetyo |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jul 2023 10:28 |
Last Modified: | 20 Jul 2023 10:28 |
URI: | |
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