Arifan, Fadh Ahmad (2012) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) sebagai Partai Terbuka: Studi Pandangan Elit PKS di Kota Malang. Masters thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Ketika pemilu 2004, PKS mampu meraih 8,3 juta suara atau sekitar 7,34 persen dan berhasil mengantarkan 45 orang wakilnya di DPR. Seiring perjalanan waktu, transisi demokrasi di Indonesia menyebabkan berubahnya perilaku pemilih. Kesadaran tentang potensi pasar pemilih memicu pembaruan. Sebagai partai modern yang lahir dari iklim reformasi dan digerakkan oleh jiwa-jiwa muda berlatar belakang aktivis dakwah kampus, PKS juga tak mau ketinggalan.
Reformasi dengan sistem demokrasi multipartai adakalanya menyeret partai-partai besar dalam perpecahan dan kisruh internal. PKS menjadi partai yang tetap solid dan belum diterpa perpecahan. Jikapun ada konflik, bisa diredam di internal karena sistem manajemen partai yang ketat. Perbedaan-perbedaan selesai dalam musyawarah mufakat dan dewan tertinggi partai. Akan tetapi di tahun 2008 yang lalu, PKS berani menyelenggarakan mukernas di Bali dengan menampilkan logo hitam kuning mereka bersinar dari balik pura. Elit PKS mendeklarasikan partai ini sebagai partai terbuka dengan definisi yang diliarkan publik.
Deklarasi partai terbuka baru digulirkan saat Mukernas di Bali tetapi lantas disudahi, karena banyak anggota Majelis Syuro PKS yang tidak setuju dengan strategi tersebut. Anehnya, strategi itu dijadikan eksperimen politik saat pemilu 2009. Selain menimbulkan pro-kontra baik di internal PKS dan publik, sampai sekarang definisi, legal formal dan teknis operasional tentang terminologi “partai terbuka” dan apa saja yang melatarbelakanginya belum jelas. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengapa PKS mendeklarasikan diri menjadi partai terbuka dan bagaimana pandangan elit PKS kota Malang tentang posisi PKS sebagai partai terbuka.
Penelitian ini jenisnya adalah field research, dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Dalam pengumpulan data memakai metode wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kemudian metode analisis datanya menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian diantaranya, Alasan mengapa PKS menjadi Terbuka: ingin mengimplementasikan spirit islam yang menghargai pluralitas, melepaskan diri dari kesan ekslusif, target 3 besar di pemilu 2014, desakan UU Pemilu dan terinspirasi keberhasilan Partai AKP di Turki. Definisi Partai terbuka menurut PKS tidak sama dengan partai terbuka dalam teori politik dan kamus Politik. Partai Terbuka menurut PKS adalah partai yang terbuka untuk semua kalangan khususnya non Muslim. Asasnya masih tetap Islam dan belum berubah. PKS juga memberlakukan aturan-aturan kepartaian dan rekruitmen yang cukup selektif. PKS menjadi terbuka secara de facto ketika masih bernama Partai Keadilan (PK), sedangkan terbuka secara de jure dirintis pada Mukernas Bali dan dideklarasikan lagi saat Munas II di Jakarta tahun 2010. Dampak dari Partai Terbuka membuat PKS merevisi AD/ART dengan menambahkan dua jenjang keanggotaan: Anggota terdaftar dan anggota aktif. Sayangnya perubahan AD/ART belum tersosialisasi dengan baik. Walau menjadi Partai terbuka, PKS tetap memperjuangkan syariat Islam dalam bentuk misi anti korupsi, kesejahteraan, dan tata pemerintahan yang baik.
When the election held in 2004, the Prosperous justice party (PKS) was able to reach 8.3 million votes, or about 7.34 percent and successfully delivered 45 people of their representatives to the parliament. Over time, the transition of democracy in Indonesia causes the changing of voter’s behavior. The awareness about the potential market of voters leads to a renewal. As a modern party that was born from the climate of reform and driven by young souls of Islamic activist, PKS also did not want to miss it.
The Reform of democracy multi party system sometimes dragging the major parties into internal chaos and discord. PKS became one of the parties that remains solid and has not been exposed into divisions. Even if there is a conflict, it can be muted in the internal party because the management system is tight. The differences can be solved by discussion and the council of syuro forum. But on 2008, when PKS held Mukernas in Bali, they dare to show their yellow black logo which shined behind the temple. PKS elites declared the party as an inclusive party with multiple interpretations definition from public.
The Declaration as an inclusive party rolled out at Mukernas in Bali but then it stopped, because many members of the Syuro Council were disagree with these strategy. Surprisingly, it was used as the political experimental strategy when the election held in 2009. Besides, it caused pro and contra in both of internal PKS and public, until right now the definition, the formal legal and technical operation of the terminology "inclusive party” and what is behind it is unclear. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to find out why PKS declared as an inclusive party and how are the views of elite PKS in Malang city about PKS position as an inclusive party.
The study is a kind of field research, by using a phenomenological approach. When collecting data using interviews and documentation. Then, the data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this study are (1) The reasons why the PKS changed into an inclusive party: want to implement the spirit of Islam that respects to plurality, (2) discharge from the exclusive view (3) their goal to reach as a one of 3 major party in the next election (4) pressured by the Election law and inspired by the success of AKP party in Turkey. The Definition of an inclusive party based on PKS interpretation is not the same with inclusive party interpretations in political theory and political dictionary. Based on PKS interpretation, Inclusive is a party which is open to all people especially non Muslim. The Islamic principle still has not changed. PKS also following the rules and the recruitment of party member is quite selective. The de facto, PKS became as an inclusive party when it was still called the Justice Party (PK), while the de jure pioneered when Mukernas in Bali and declared again on Munas II in Jakarta, 2010. The Impacts as an inclusive party made PKS revised their AD/ART by adding two levels of membership: Registered members and active members. Unfortunately, the changing in AD/ART has not been properly socialized to the PKS cadres in the regions. Despite, being an inclusive party PKS still fight for Sharia law as a form anti-corrupption, wealth and good governance.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Supervisor: | Arifin, Syamsul and Basri, Basri |
Keywords: | Elit PKS; Partai Terbuka Views; PKS elites; Inclusive Party |
Departement: | Sekolah Pascasarjana > Program Studi Magister Ilmu Agama Islam |
Depositing User: | Moch. Nanda Indra Lexmana |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jul 2023 11:15 |
Last Modified: | 20 Jul 2023 11:15 |
URI: | |
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