Maslikhah, Maslikhah (2012) Identifikasi Spektra Khas Infra Merah Protein Sosis berbahan daging sapi dan daging babi menggunkan Metode Second Derivative (2d). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Salah satu produk olahan yang rawan kehalalannya adalah sosis karena bisa jadi bahan utamanya dicampur dengan daging babi yang diharamkan dalam Al-Qur’an, sehingga perlu dilakukan identifikasi kontaminan babi pada produk sosis dengan metode yang cepat dan murah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pola khas spektra infra merah protein sosis berbahan daging sapi dan babi menggunakan metode second derivative (2D).
Penelitian ini meliputi : (1) Sampel yang digunakan adalah sosis yang dibuat dari bagian daging sapi dan babi segar, yaitu inside, flank, silverside, dan rib meat. Kemudian, di curing. Variasi konsentrasi kontaminan daging babi pada daging sapi adalah 0%, 0,5%, 50%, dan 100%. (2) Pembuatan Sosis. Daging diolah dengan es batu, garam, lada, pala, bawang putih, angkak, tepung tapioka, dan air es. Perebusan dilakukan dalam air pada suhu 70-80 C selama 8 menit. (3) Generasi spektra infra merah sosis menggunakan spektrofotometer FTIR Varian 1000 pada rentang bilangan gelombang 4000-400 cm-1, resolusi 4 cm-1, dan scan 256. (4) Identifikasi pola khas spektra infra merah sosis menggunakan metode second derivative (2D) dengan teknik diferensiasi Fourier. (5) Analisis data secara statistik menggunakan korelasi dan manova.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola vibrasi molekuler khas protein sosis daging sapi dan babi tampak pada spektra second derivative menurut bagian dagingnya. Inside, flank, silverside, dan rib meat khas pada bilangan gelombang 555-534 cm-1, 547-525 cm-1, 650-630 cm-1, dan 1125-1105 cm-1 dengan karakteristik satu puncak untuk sapi dan dua puncak untuk babi milik vibrasi tekukan N C S alkil isotiosianat, vibrasi trans R1CH=CHR2, vibrasi rentangan C S, dan vibrasi deformasi NH2. Analisis secara statistik menggunakan korelasi dan manova menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara kontaminan babi terhadap pola vibrasi khas protein sosis yang signifikan dan karakteristik puncak pada sosis sapi dan babi dianggap valid secara statistik.
One of products which vulnerable halal status are sausages because maybe contaminated by pork are forbidden in the Qur'an, so it is necessary to identify pork contaminants in sausage products with a fast and inexpensive method. The purpose of this study was to determine the typical pattern of the infrared spectra of protein sausage made from beef and pork using the second derivative method (2D).
Study include : (1) samples of sausage made by fresh beef and pork, are inside, flank, silverside, and rib meat, then cured. Varying the concentration of contaminants in beef pork is 0%, 0.5%, 50%, and 100%. (2) Making Sausages, treated with ice, salt, pepper, nutmeg, garlic, angkak (red yeast rice), tapioca flour, and ice water. Boiling is carried out in water at 70-80°C for 8 minutes. (3) Generation the infrared spectra of sausage using a Varian 1000 FTIR spectrophotometer in the wavenumber range 4000-400 cm-1, a resolution of 4 cm-1, and 256 scans. (4) Identify a distinctive pattern of infrared spectra a sausage using the second derivative (2D) with Fourier differentiation techniques. (5) Statistical data analysis using correlation and MANOVA.
The results showed that the typical pattern of protein molecular vibrations of beef and pork sausage appears on second derivative spectra according to the flesh. Inside, flank, silverside, and rib meat on a typical wavenumber 555-534 cm-1, 547-525 cm-1, 650-630 cm-1, and 1125-1105 cm-1 with a characteristic peak for the cow and the two peaks pigs belonging to the alkyl isothiocyanate NCS bending vibration, the vibration trans R1CH=CHR2, CS stretching vibrations and deformation vibrations of NH2. Statistical analysis using correlation and MANOVA showed a correlation between contaminant pork with typical vibration of sausage significant and peaks characteristic of the beef and pork sausage are statistically valid.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Barroroh, Himmatul and Abidin, Munirul | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Spektroskopi Infra Merah; Korelasi, Manova; SecondDerivative (2D), Sosis; Daging Sapi; Daging Babi; Infrared Spectroscopy; Correlation; MANOVA; Second Derivative (2D); Sausage; Beef; Pork | |||||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Jurusan Kimia | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Koko Prasetyo | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 06 Apr 2023 09:19 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 06 Apr 2023 09:19 | |||||||||
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