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Code choice in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs

Sari, Ayu Kartika (2012) Code choice in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

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This study focuses on analyzing code choice in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs. Romaine in Susanto (2008: 47) states that there are three types of code choice such as: first, intra-sentential code switching or code mixing, concerns language alternation that occurs within a sentence; second, inter-sentential code switching is the switch involving movement from one language to other between sentences; third, tag switching involves the insertion of a tag from one language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely in other language. It is investigated because the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs contain many switching language among English, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, Turkish and Malay.

A descriptive qualitative method is used to describe and explain the phenomenon of code choice in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs. The researcher is the primary instrument in collecting and analyzing the data. The data were collected from the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs in album my ummah which was released in 2005 and wherever you are which was released in 2010 retrieved from http://www.islamic on 15 January 2012.

Based on the research finding, the kinds of code choice which are found in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs are intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, and tag switching. The most dominant kind of code choice is inter-sentential switching. There are three functions of code choice in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s songs: to qualify or clarify a message, to mark personality and objectification, and as an interjection.

It is suggested for the next researcher to analyze code choice by looking at other multilingual code choice such as: English, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, Hindi, Turkish and Malay. It is also expected to analyze code choice in another literary works, for example in the poem.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Supervisor: Rahardjo, Mudjia
Keywords: Code Choice; Lyrics of Sami Yusuf’s Songs
Departement: Fakultas Humaniora > Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Nada Auliya Sarasawitri
Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2023 10:42
Last Modified: 08 Mar 2023 10:42


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