Khairunisa, Luthia (2022) Profil pasien Diabetes Mellitus disertai Ulkus Diabetikum di Rumah Sakit Umum Karsa Husada Kota Batu tahun 2018-2021. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Ulkus Diabetik merupakan sebuah penyakit akibat dari perjalanan penyakit DM yang berhubungan dengan neuropati dan iskemia serta penyembuhannya sering dipersulit oleh infeksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui profil pasien DM disertai ulkus diabetik di RSU Karsa Husada dengan menggunakan desain observasional dengan pendekatan deskriptif retrospektif dan sampel sebanyak 100 pasien. Hasil penelitian didapatkan dari 100 pasien paling banyak berjenis kelamin perempuan dengan jumlah 47 pasien (47%), paling banyak didapatkan kelompok usia lansia dengan jumlah 11 pasien (11%), kelompok IMT normal adalah yang terbanyak dengan jumlah 55 pasien (55%), dan juga paling banyak berstatus hipertensi dengan jumlah 59%,. Kalsifikasi Wagner diperoleh derajat I sebanyak 4 pasien (4%), derajat II sebanyak 26 pasien (26%), derajat III sebanyak 57 pasien (57%), derajat IV sebanyak 9 pasien (9%) dan derajat V sebanyak 2 pasien (2%). Dari 71 pasien yang mendapat terapi bedah, 56 diantaranya mendapat terapi debridement dan 15 lainnya diamputasi, jenis pemberian antibiotik yang paling banyak diberikan yaitu kombinasi sefalosporin dan amubisid yaitu sebesar 24%. Angka kematian pasien ulkus diabetik pada penelitian ini adalah 6%.
Diabetic ulcer is a disease resulting from the course of DM disease associated with neuropathy and ischemia and its healing is often complicated by infection. This study was conducted to determine the profile of DM patients with diabetic ulcers at Karsa Husada General Hospital using an observational design with a retrospective descriptive approach and a sample of 100 patients. The results of the study were obtained from the 100 patients most of whom were female with a total of 47 patients (47%), the most common were the elderly age group with a total of 11 patients (11%), the normal BMI group was the most with a total of 55 patients (55%), and also the most hypertension status with a total of 59%. Wagner calcification obtained grade I in 4 patients (4%), grade II in 26 patients (26%), degree III in 57 patients (57%), degree IV in 9 patients (9%) and degree V in 2 patients (2 %). Of the 71 patients who received surgical therapy, 56 of them received debridement therapy and 15 others had amputations. The type of antibiotic administration that was most commonly given was a combination of cephalosporins and amubicides, which was 24%. The mortality rate of diabetic ulcer patients in this study was 6%..
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||||||||
Supervisor: | Pardjianto, Bambang and Ahdi, Iwal Reza | ||||||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Ulkus Diabetik; Gambaran Klinis; Wagner; Diabetic ulcer; Clinical manifestation; Wagner. | ||||||||||||
Subjects: | 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1103 Clinical Sciences > 110306 Endocrinology 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1103 Clinical Sciences > 110323 Surgery |
Departement: | Fakultas Kesehatan dan Ilmu Kedokteran > Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter | ||||||||||||
Depositing User: | Luthia Khairunisa | ||||||||||||
Date Deposited: | 12 May 2023 13:52 | ||||||||||||
Last Modified: | 10 Jul 2023 11:20 | ||||||||||||
URI: | |
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