Aldiansyah, Dimas (2022) Perancangan Sidoarjo biomaterials research and development center dengan pendekatan high-tech architecture. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Kabupaten Sidoarjo merupakan salah satu daerah di Jawa Timur yang memiliki potensi cukup besar di bidang minyak dan gas bumi. Sudah 15 tahun berlalu sejak pertama kali lumpur panas lapindo meluap, akan tetapi hingga saat ini belum adanya upaya dari pihak pemerintah maupun swasta untuk mengelola dan memanfaatkan potensi dari lumpur tersebut. Lumpur lapindo memiliki kandungan yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai anti kanker, dan juga lumpur lapindo memiliki kandungan logam tanah jarang, dimana material ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan teknologi mobil listrik, selain itu juga terdapat zat selenomentionin (Se) yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi pharmaceutical anti kanker. Dari potensi yang terdapat pada lumpur lapindo ini, perancancangan Sidoarjo Biomaterials Research & Development Center merupakan jawaban dari isu dan potensi yang ada. Dengan proses analisis perancangan yang menerapkan pendekatan high-tech architecture yang memiliki prinsip 6 prinsip yaitu : 1. Inside Out 2. Celebration of Procces 3. Transparancy, Layering and Movement 4. Flat Bright Colouring 5. A Lightweight Filigree of Tensile Member 6. Optimistic Confidence in Scientific Culture. Sehingga menghasilkan konsep perancangan Dialectic yang memiliki 4 aspek desain yaitu : Collaborative Space, Balance, Future Projector, Flexibility. Menghasilkan rancangan Sidoarjo Biomaterials Research & Development Center yang merupakan fasilitas yang mensinergikan penelitian dan pengembangan dengan exhibition dan konservasi, dimana fokus dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini untuk menghasilkan produk anti kanker dan produk teknologi mobil listrik, sedangkan konservasi berupa penyediaan arboretum sebagai bentuk komunikasi terhadap lingkungan terdampak lumpur lapindo.
Kabupaten Sidoarjo is one of several cities in East Java that has a lot of
potential in the oil and gas sector. It has been 15 years since the first lumpur lapindo
boilover, but until now no one utilize the potential of these biomaterials. Lumpur
lapindo contain rare earth element that can be used for developing electric vehicle
technology and also contain the substance selenomethionine (Se) that can be used for
developing pharmaceutical anti-cancer. The background design of “Sidoarjo
Biomaterials Research & Development Center” is considered by the issue and potential
of this biomaterials lumpur lapindo. The design of “Sidoarjo Biomaterials Research &
Development Center” apply analysis processes that apply one of the architectural
design approach “High-Tech Architecture” which had 6 fundamentals: 1. Inside Out, 2.
Celebration of Process, 3. Transparency, Layering, and Movement, 4. Bright Flat
Colouring, 5. A Lightweight Filigree of Tensile Members, 6. Optimistic Confidence in
Scientific Culture. By applying the High-Tech Architecture approach the design develop
the Dialectic concept that had 4 design aspects: Collaborative Space, Balance, Future
Projector, and Flexibility. With the result of Sidoarjo Biomaterials, Research &
Development Center is facilities that synergize research and development with
exhibition and conservation, which is the focus of the research and development to
develop anti-cancer product and electric vehicle product technology, while
conservation has a focus to responses the environment that had been affected by the
misadventure of lumpur lapindo by providing arboretum.
Kabupaten Sidoarjo is one of several cities in East Java that has a lot of potential in the oil and gas sector. It has been 15 years since the first lumpur lapindo boilover, but until now no one utilize the potential of these biomaterials. Lumpur lapindo contain rare earth element that can be used for developing electric vehicle technology and also contain the substance selenomethionine (Se) that can be used for developing pharmaceutical anti-cancer. The background design of “Sidoarjo Biomaterials Research & Development Center” is considered by the issue and potential of this biomaterials lumpur lapindo. The design of “Sidoarjo Biomaterials Research & Development Center” apply analysis processes that apply one of the architectural design approach “High-Tech Architecture” which had 6 fundamentals: 1. Inside Out, 2. Celebration of Process, 3. Transparency, Layering, and Movement, 4. Bright Flat Colouring, 5. A Lightweight Filigree of Tensile Members, 6. Optimistic Confidence in Scientific Culture. By applying the High-Tech Architecture approach the design develop the Dialectic concept that had 4 design aspects: Collaborative Space, Balance, Future
مستخلص البحث:
تلا اهيدل تاناكمإ ة يبك ف ةواج ةيق ر شلا ف عاطق طفنلا زاغلاو. دقل ايسينودنإ ه ىدحإ قطانملا ف ودنيبلا لولأ ةرم ، نكلو ترم ةسمخ ر شع تاونس ذنم ضاف قفدتلا تيطلا انخاسل تح نلآا مل نكي كانه يأ دهج نم ةموكحلا وأ عاطقلا صاخلا ةرادلإ للاغتساو تاناكمإ اذه يطلا . يوتحي يط ودنيبلا لىع تانوكم نكمي اهمادختسا داضمك ناطشلل ، امك يوتحي ً ضيأ لىع نداعم ةيضرأ ةردان ، ثيح نكمي يط ودنيبلا ا مادختسا هذه ةداملا ريوطتل ايجولونكت تارايسلا ةيئابرهكلا ، لىإ بناج دوجو ةدام يتنيمونيليس نكمي اهريوطت لىإ ةدام ةيودلأا ةداضملا ناطشلل. نم تاناكملإا ةدوجوملا ف يط ودنيبلا اذه ، نإف ميمصت زكرم وجراديس ثحبلل ريوطتلاو ف لاجم داوملا ةيويحلا عم جهن يرامعم لىاع ةينقتلا وه لحلا تلاكشملل ةيلاحلا تايناكملإاو . لىاع ةينقتلا يوتحي لىع 6 ئدابم ، ً يرامعم ً جهن ا تلا قبطت ا نم للاخ ةيلمع ليلحت ميمصتلا هو: لخادلا لىإ جراخلا ، لافتحلااو تايلمعلاب ، ةيفافشلاو ، تاقبطلاو ةكرحلاو ، نيولتلاو عطاسلا ، نيولتلاو فيفخلا وضعل دشلا ، ةقثلاو اةلئافتمل ف ةفاقثلا ةيملعلا. نم لجأ جاتنإ موهفم ميمصتلا لىدجلا يذلا يوتحي لىع 4 بناوج ميمصت ، هو: ءاضفلا تواعتلا ، نزاوتلاو ، زاهجو ضرعلا لىبقتسملا ، ةنورملاو. جاتنإ ميمصت زكرم وجراديس ف لاجم داوملا ةيويحلا عم جهن يرامعم لىاع ةينقتلا ، هوو قفرم جمدي ثحبلا ريوطتلاو عم ثحبلل ريوطتلاو ضراعملا ظفحلاو ، ثيح بصني يكرت اذه ثحبلا ريوطتلاو لىع جاتنإ تاجتنم ةداضم ناطشلل ايجولونكتو تارايسلا ةيئابرهكلا تاجتنملا ، ف يح نأ ظفحلا ف لكش يفوت لتشملا لكشك نم لاكشأ لاصتلاا ةئيبلاب ةرثأتملا قفدتب يط ودنيبلا .
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