Fawzi, Ahmad Ferdinand (2020) Implementasi program pembelajaran on the job training pada siswa jurusan akomodasi perhotelan di SMK Pembangunan Ponorogo. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi program pembelajaran On the Job Training pada siswa jurusan akomodasi perhotelan di SMK Pembangunan Ponorogo, bagaimana model monitoring dan evaluasi yang dilakukan, dan apa saja kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut. Direktorat Jenderal Menengah Kejuruan (1996:2) menyatakan bahwa program Praktik Kerja Industri atau On the Job Training ialah praktik keahliah produktif yang dilaksanakan di industri dalam bentuk kegiatan mengerjakan produksi atau jasa di perusahaan atau industri.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Subjek yang dipilih ialah guru ketua pelaksana program On the Job Training.
Dari penelitian yang dilakukan memberikan gambaran bahwa pelaksanaan Program Pembelajaran On the Job Training yang dilaksanakan SMK Pembangunan Ponorogo ialah dengan memberikan praktik kerja langsung di lapangan yang diberikan kepada siswa yang dilaksanakan di dunia industri perhotelan sesuai dengan program keahlian yang diajarkan. Implementasi program pembelajaran On the Job Training di SMK Pembangunan Ponorogo dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahap, 1)tahap persiapan, 2)tahap pelaksanaan, 3)tahap evaluasi. Model monitoring yang dilakukan ialah dengan melakukan wawancara kepada pihak pembimbing program On the Job Training yang ada di lapangan. Sedangkan evaluasi yang diberikan yaitu dengan penerbitan sertifikat yang berisi penilaian kompetensi siswa dalam bekerja selama menjalani program On the Job Training. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut ialah terbatasnya tempat pelaksanaan On the Job Training yang berada di luar kota, ketersediaan lowongan untuk melaksanakan program On the Job Training yang terbatas, dan kurangnya kemampuan adaptasi siswa.
This research aims to describe the implementation of the On the JobTraining learning program for students majoring in hotel accommodation at SMKPembangunan Ponorogo, how the monitoring and evaluation model is carried out,and what are the obstacles encountered in implementing theprogram. TheDirectorate General of Vocational Middle (1996: 2) states that the Industrial WorkPractice Program or On the Job Training program is the practice of productive expertise carried out in industry in the form of activities to work on production or services in a company or industry.
This research uses descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used by interviews, observation, and document analysis. The subject chosen was the chief teacher of the On the Job Training program.
The research carried out illustrates that the implementation of the On the Job Training Learning Program implemented by SMK Pembangunan Ponorogo is to provide practical work practices in the field given to students carried out in the hotel industry in accordance with the skills program being taught. The implementation of the On the Job Training learning program in SMK Ponorogo Development is carried out through several stages, 1) the preparation phase, 2) the
implementation phase, 3) the evaluation phase. The monitoring model is carried out by conducting interviews with the supervisor of the On the Job Training program in the field. The evaluation given by the issuance of a certificate containing an assessment of students competence in working while undergoing the On the Job Training program. Constraints faced in the implementation of the program are the limited implementation of On the Job Training outside the city, the availability of vacancies to carry out the limited On the Job Training program,
and the lack of students adaptability.
مستخلص البحث:
ٍٚزنا بلاطهن ٙفٛظٕنا ةٚسذتنا ٙف ىهؼتنا جياَشت زٛفُت فصٔ ٗنإ حساسذنا ِزْ فذٓت
ٙف حفاٛضنا ظٛطخت ٙف ٌٕصصختٚSMK Pembangunan Ponorogo حثلاشًنا جرًَٕ زٛفُت حٛفٛكٔ ،
( ًُٙٓنا ظسٔلأا قششهن حياؼنا حٚشٚذًنا شكزت .زٛفُتنا جياَشت ىػذٚ ائ ، ىٛٛمتنأ6991 :0 جياَشت ٌأ )
مكش ٙف حػاُصنا ٙف ىتت ٙتنا حٛجاتَلإا جشثخنا حسساًي ْٕ مًؼنا ءاُثأ ةٚسذتنا ٔأ ٙػاُصنا مًؼنا حسساًي
ايذخنا ٔأ جاتَلإا ٙف ىتت حطشَأ.خاػاُصنا ٔأ خاكششنا ٙف خ
ٙتنا خاَاٛثنا غًج خاُٛمت .حناحنا خاساسد واذختسات حٛفصٔ حٛػَٕ حمٚشط ثحثنا ازْ وذختسٚ
جياَشت ٙسشك راتسأ ْٕ ِساٛتخا ىت ٘زنا عٕضًٕنا ٌاكٔ .كئاثٕنا مٛهحتٔ حظحلاًنأ خلاتامًنا آيذختست
.مًؼنا ءاُثأ ةٚسذتنا
، ِؤاشجإ ىت ٘زنا ثحثنا للاخ ٍي ةٚسذتنا ٗهػ ىهؼتنا جياَشت زٛفُت ٍػ حياػ ححًن وذمٚ
ّتشجأ ٘زنا ٙفٛظٕناSMK Pembangunan Ponorogo لاجًنا ٙف جششاثي مًػ صشف شفٕٚ ٘زنأ
ىهؼتنا جياَشت زٛفُت ىتٚ .بٕهطًنا جشثخنا جياَشثن ا
مفٔ حٛلذُفنا حػاُصنا ٙف ىْؤاشجإ ىتٚ ٍٚزنا بلاطهن وذمًنا
طت ٙف ةٚسذتنا ءاُثأ شٕٚSMK Pembangunan Ponorogo ، حطشَلأا ٍي ذٚذؼنا للاخ ٍي6 )
، ةٚسذتنا0 ، زٛفُتنا )3 فششًنا غي خلاتامي ءاشجإ للاخ ٍي جرًُٕنا حثلاشي ىتت .ىٛٛمتنا ٗهػ ةٚسذتنا )
ٙف بلاطهن حًُت حصخس غي ْٕ وذمًنا ىٛٛمتنا ٌأ ٍٛح ٙف .ٌاذًٛنا ٙف مًؼنا ءاُثأ ةٚسذتنا جياَشت ٗهػ
ذتنا جدٔذحًنا ٍكايلأا ْٙ زٛفُتنا جياَشت آٛهػ ٕ٘طُٚ ٙتنا كئإؼنا .ٙفٛظٕنا ةٚسذتنا جياَشت للاخ ةٚس
ةٚسذتنا ٙف جياَشثنا زٛفُتن حصصخًنا جشغاشنا فئاظٕنا ٌأ اًك ، حُٚذًنا جساخ ٙفٛظٕنا ةٚسذتنا زٛفُتن
.بلاطنا ٖذن فٛكتنا ٗهػ جسذمنات حًستٔ ، جدٔذحي ٙفٛظٕنا
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Yusuf, Aris Yuana and Hidayah, Rifa | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Implementasi program pembelajaran; On the Job Training; siswa SMK Implementation of learning program; On the Job Training; students of SMK حٛحاتفًنا خاًهكنإًٌُٛٓنا بلاطنا | |||||||||
Subjects: | 17 PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES > 1799 Other Psychology and Cognitive Sciences > 179999 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences not elsewhere classified | |||||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Psikologi | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Ahmad Ferdinand Fawzi | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 14 Aug 2020 10:15 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 14 Aug 2020 10:19 | |||||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/20515 |
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