Hikmah, Elok Faiqotul (2013) Persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja hamil di luar nikah: Studi kasus di Desa Genukwatu Kecamatan Ngoro Kabupaten Jombang. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
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Perilaku manusia yang dapat di lihat oleh orang lain akan menghasilkan suatu persepsi yang berbeda-beda antara satu dengan yang lain. Dengan adanya persepsi tersebut membuat orang akan melakukan pengamatan secara langsung untuk mencari kebenaran atas informasi yang menimbulkan persepsi tersebut. Hal ini juga dilakukan tokoh masyarakat ketika ada remaja yang hamil di luar nikah. Dengan demikian ini muncul beberapa pertanyaan yang menarik untuk diteliti, yaitu: (1) Bagaimana persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja yang hamil di luar nikah? (2) Bagaimana proses persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja hamil di luar nikah? (3) Bagaimana bentuk persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja hamil di luar nikah? (4) Bagaimana faktor terjadi persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja hamil di luar nikah?
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat: (1) mendeskripsikan persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja yang hamil di luar nikah, (2) mendeskripsikan proses persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja yang hamil di luar nikah, (3) memetakan bentuk persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja yang hamil di luar nikah, (4) menganalisis faktor persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja yang hamil di luar nikah.
Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dalam setting studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam, observasi terlibat, dokumentasi, dan FGD. Dengan responden berjumlah 3 orang tokoh masyarakat yang berlokasi di Desa Genukwatu.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa persepsi subjek 1 yaitu peran orangtua yang kurang aktif, persepsi berdasarkan akal saja, karena persepsi yang berdasarkan mata, telinga, hidung, dan hati dilakukan setelah subjek 1 mengetahui dari masyarakat dan belum pernah menyelidiki secara langsung ke KUA, belum ada perhatian khusus yang diberikan. Subjek 2 yaitu ada dua dampak negatif yaitu pada masyarakat umum dan remaja mengalami beban moral, persepsi berdasarkan mata, telinga, akal, dan hati setelah ada tetangga dekat yang anak remajanya melakukan hal tersebut, namun belum sampai pada penyelidikan ke KUA, perhatian yang dilakukan subjek 2 adalah menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan remaja dan mengadakan pertemuan rutin. Subjek 3 yaitu karena hubungan yang tidak direstui keluarga, modelling berdasarkan konflik keluarga, dan atas dasar cinta, persepsi berdasarkan telinga, hidung, kulit, mulut, dan hati yang semuanya berdasarkan informasi dari salah satu keluarga remaja tersebut sendiri, menyarankan dengan segera melaksanakan pernikahan apabila remaja tersebut memang terbukti hamil. Pada proses persepsi tokoh masyarakat tentang remaja hamil di luar nikah pada jawaban subjek 1 dan 2 ada kecenderungan lebih mirip yaitu informasi kebanyakan di dapatkan berasal dari masyarakat kemudian diamati, belum pernah membuat catatan berupa skema siapa saja yang sudah hamil di luar nikah, kurangnya pantauan dari orangtua dan pengetahuan agama sehingga terjerumus dalam pergaulan bebas. Sedangkan menurut subjek 3, adalah mendengar langsung dari keluarga kemudian menyuruh untuk memeriksakan pada orang yang lebih tahu tentang kehamilan, mempunyai catatan daftar remaja hamil di luar nikah dengan cara melingkari namanya, ketiadaan sanksi moral dan pengetahuan dampak positif dan negatif yang kurang mumpuni. Bentuk persepsi pada subjek 1 dan 2 berasal dari pengamatan dan mencium gelagat serta belum mengetahui secara pasti hukum agama tentang pernikahan remaja yang hamil di luar nikah. Subjek 3 menggunakan hukum pernikahan yang mudah dan disesuaikan dengan masyarakat Desa Genukwatu, mengetahui secara pasti dari keluarga namun kurang dapat mencium gelagat yang menonjol dari remaja tersebut sebelumnya. Pada faktor persepsi dimana perasaan yang sama dirasakan subjek 1, 2, dan 3 yaitu resah terhadap apa yang terjadi pada remaja di Desa Genukwatu sekarang, serta tidak adanya sanksi yang kuat baik itu berupa sanksi moral atau sesuai dengan hukum Islam sebagai patokan atau dasar ketika ada remaja hamil di luar nikah di desa ini, sehingga mereka merasa jera dan hal ini bisa mengurangi angka remaja hamil di luar nikah.
The human behavior that can be viewed by others will result in a different perception between one another. Related to that perception, people will make direct observations to know the truth of information that lead to their own opinions. For example case, the notable figures also try to find out the truth of unmarried pregnancy. Based on this background of study, the researcher suggests some research questions. Those are: (1) How is the perception of the notable figures of the case of unmarried pregnancy? (2) How is the process of the notable figures’ perception of the case of unmarried pregnancy? (3) How are the characters of the notable figures’ perception of the case of unmarried pregnancy? (4) How are the factors of the case of unmarried pregnancy?
This research aims to: (1) describe the perception of the notable figures of the case of unmarried pregnancy, (2) describe the process of the notable figures’ perception of the case of unmarried pregnancy, (3) map the characters of the notable figures’ perception of the case of unmarried pregnancy, (4) analyse the factors of the case of unmarried pregnancy.
This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection techniques are done through some instruments. They are interview, observations, documentation, and FGD. The respondents are 3 notable figures in Genukwatu district.
Based on the observation, it can be concluded that the perception of subject 1, the parents, was less active. The perception was only based on the mind perception. The reason was because the perceptions which based on eyes, ears, nose, and heart were done after the subject 1 knew from the environment. The perception has not investigated yet in KUA. There was no particular attention. On the other hand, there were two negative affects which were found in subject 2. It affected on the public and adolescence. The affect was on moral burden. The perception existed based on eyes, ears, minds, and heart after the neighbour had done the unmarried pregnancy. The deeper observation has not investigated yet in KUA. The attention which was done by the subject 2 were having a good communication among the adolescence and having routine meetings. The subject 3 was formed because of impermissible relationship by the family and the love. The perceptions were based on ears, nose, skin, mouth, and heart. Those were based on the information from the family of that subject. The marriage was required if the pregnancy was proven. In the process of the public perception of unmarried pregnancy which the answers were from subject 1 and 2, there was a similar tendency. The information which was mostly gotten from the environment was observed. The scheme of unmarried pregnancy has not made yet. The other factors of free association were the less attention from the parents and the lack of religious knowledge. Meanwhile, according to subject 3, the process of the public perception of unmarried pregnancy firstly were giving attention for the family, asking to the people who know well the pregnancy, and having a list of unmarried pregnancy by noticing the name. Less understanding of morality and no punishment were also a part of the public perception of unmarried pregnancy. The characteristics of subject 1 and 2’s perceptions came from the observations, the feeling, and the less understanding of religion rules of unmarried pregnancy. Subject 3 used marriage rules which are suitable with the culture of Genukwatu district and knew the background of the family but still had not known well of adolescence who got unmarried pregnancy. The factors of perception from subject 1, 2, 3 were the same. They felt the same feeling of the existing cases of unmarried pregnancy, the missing rules related to the morality or Islamic rules which were used as a basic regulation in Genukwatu disctrict. It was expected to decrease the number of unmarried pregnancy.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Arifin, Zainul | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Persepsi; Hamil; Nikah; Perception; Pregnancy; Marriage | ||||||
Subjects: | 17 PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES > 1701 Psychology > 170112 Sensory Processes, Perception and Performance | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Psikologi | ||||||
Depositing User: | Chusnul Faida Ulfa | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 11 Sep 2015 09:29 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 11 Sep 2015 09:29 | ||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/1838 |
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