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Woman’s struggle against oppressions as viewed by transformative ecofeminism in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian

Umami, Izzul Millati (2018) Woman’s struggle against oppressions as viewed by transformative ecofeminism in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

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Nowadays, the issue of oppression and the woman’s struggle in fighting oppression is raised. This issue has been discussed in many forums and becomes national issue. Woman get oppression physically and mentally. The Korean novel entitled “The Vegetarian”, bring the issue to the surface. Written by Han Kang, it highlights the oppressions suffered by the main character. This study aims to find kind of oppressions in the novel, including physical oppressions, psychological oppressions, verbal oppressions, and sexual oppressions. The analysis uses transformative ecofeminism. The researcher only focuses on analyzing the main character. This study used the literary criticism method and transformative ecofeminism theory. The researcher analyzes the oppressions in the novel using Galtung’s perspective. Then, the researcher analyzed the main character’s reason and struggle in fighting oppression by reading the book, classifying the data, and making a conclusion.

The result of this study shows that there are four kinds of oppressions suffered by Yeong-Hye in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian. They are psychological, physical, verbal, and sexual oppressions. Physical oppressions is the first oppression occurred in the novel which was followed by verbal, sexual, and psychological oppressions. While infighting oppressions, Yeong-Hye has two reasons that taken from many aspects. The first reason is Yeong-Hye’s traumatic experiences that was occurred due to her bad experience she suffered with her father, makes her eager infighting oppressions. The second reason is she is also being hurt and forced to eat meat that makes her want to fight the oppression. The last, infighting oppressions, Yeong-Hye has a way. While her actions related to transformative ecofeminism, it clearly is known that Yeong-Hye’s desire to not eat meat and harm the animal is included in a way of transformative ecofeminism.


Pada masa sekarang, isu penindasan dan gerakan perempuan melawan penindasan kerap muncul. Isu ini telah dibahas di banyak forum diskusi dan menjadikannya isu nasional. Para perempuan ditindas secara fisik dan mental. Novel korea berjudul “The Vegetarian”, memuat isu tersebut ke permukaan. Ditulis oleh Han Kang, novel ini menekankan isu-isu penindasan yang dialami oleh tokoh utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis-jenis penindasan yang terjadi dalam novel, termasuk diantaranya kekerasan fisik, psikologi, verbal, dan seksual. Analisis novel ini menggunakan teori transformatif ekofeminisme. Kemudian, peneliti menganalisa penindasan yang terjadi didalam novel menggunakan prespektif milik Galtung. Lalu, peneliti menganalisa alasan tokoh utama melawan penindasan serta usahanya melawan penindasan dengan membaca keseluruhan isi novel, mengklasifikasikan data, dan membuat kesimpulan.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada empat jenis penindasan yang dialami tokoh utama bernama Yeong-Hye dalam novel The Vegetarian. Diantaranya adalah penindasan fisik, psikologi, verbal, dan seksual. Dalam novel, penindasan yang selalu terjadi pertama kali adalah penindasan fisik diikuti dengan penindasan lain yang muncul. Sementara itu, dalam melawan penindasan, Yeong-Hye mempunyai dua alasan yang didasari oleh banyak aspek. Alasan utama adalah pengalaman traumatis tokoh utama yang terjadi dikarenakan pengalaman buruknya yang didapat dari sang ayah dimasa lalu, membuatnya sangat ingin melawan penindasan. Alasan kedua adalah rasa sakit hati dan pemaksaan dari keluarganya untuk mengkonsumsi daging. Pada akhirnya, dalam melawan penindasan, Yeong-Hye mempunyai caranya sendiri. Ketika aksinya dikaitkan dengan teori transformatif ekofeminisme, sangat jelas diketahui bahwa keinginan Yeong-Hye untuk tidak makan daging dan menyakiti hewan adalah bentuk dari pengamalan terhadap teori transformatif ecofeminisme.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Supervisor: Rahayu, Mundi
Keywords: oppressions; transformative; ecofeminism; penindasan; transformatif; ekofeminisme
Departement: Fakultas Humaniora > Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Dian Anesti
Date Deposited: 09 May 2019 14:29
Last Modified: 09 May 2019 14:29


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