Maulani, Mufida Alfi (2018) Efektivitas filtrat temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) sebagai pelindung Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) dari sinar ultraviolet. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
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Spodoptera litura merupakan hama kedelai. Pengendalian hama S. litura diduga dapat dilakukan dengan Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV). Keefektivan SlNPV dapat berkurang oleh sinar ultraviolet sehingga memerlukan pelindung (UV protektan) antara lain diduga dari temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata). Rimpang Temu Kunci mengandung senyawa aktif flavonoid yang diketahui dapat menyerap sinar UV dan antioksidan yang dapat mengganti elektron virus yang menjadi radikal bebas akibat sinar uv sehingga menjadi radikal bebas yang tidak reaktif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi filtrat temu kunci (B. pandurata) yang berpengaruh dan berapa konsentrasi filtrat temu kunci (B. pandurata) yang paling berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas S. litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) sebagai pelindung dari sinar ultraviolet.
Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2018, di Laboratorium Biologi dan Entomologi Balitkabi Kendalpayak Pakisaji Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan, sehingga diperoleh 20 unit percobaan. Setiap unit percobaan menggunakan 20 ekor larva instar 3. Setiap unit perlakuan terdiri dari: SlNPV tanpa UV protektan, SlNPV + filtrat temu kunci konsentrasi 1,5%, SlNPV + filtrat temu kunci konsentrasi 2%, SlNPV + filtrat temu kunci konsentrasi 2,5%, dan SlNPV + kaolin. Data hasil dari larva S. litura yang berhenti makan dan mortalitas (kematian) larva S. litura yang ditunjukkan dengan persen ditransformasi terlebih dahulu menggunakan rumus Arcsin, kemudian dianalisis dengan Analisis Varians (Uji F) dan dilanjutkan uji Duncan dengan taraf kesalahan 5%.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Filtrat temu kunci (B. pandurata) berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas S. litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) dari sinar ultraviolet. Dari ketiga konsentrasi yang diuji, filtrat temu kunci (B. pandurata) yang paling berpengaruh yaitu konsentrasi 2,5%.
Spodoptera litura is a soybean pest. Pest control of S. litura is chemically using chemical insecticides. It is suspected that S. litura pest control can be done with Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV). The effectiveness of SlNPV can be reduced due to ultraviolet radiation, so it requires UV protection, namely suspected from the peel of Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata). It contains an active flavonoid compounds which are known to absorb UV light and have antioxidant which can change virus electron to the free radicals due to UV light, so it becomes unreactive free radicals. The purposes of the research are to determine the concentration of filtrate of Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) which has influence and the concentration of filtrate of Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) which has the most influential against the effectiveness of SlNPV as the protector from UV light.
The research was conducted in May to August 2018, at the Biology and Entomology Laboratory of Balitkabi Kendalpayak Pakisaji of Malang. The research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 repetitions, in order to obtain 20 experimental units. Each unit of experiment used 20 instar 3. Spodoptera litura larvae. Each treatment unit consisted of: SlNPV without UV protective, SlNPV + filtrate of Temu Kunci of 1.5% concentration, SlNPV + filtrate of Temu Kunci of 2% concentration, SlNPV + filtrate of Temu Kunci of 2,5% concentration, and SlNPV + kaolin. Data from S. litura larvae without eating and mortality (death) of S. litura larvae was indicated by percent that was transformed first using Archin's formula, then analyzed by Variant Analysis (F Test) and continued with Duncan test with an error level of 5%.
The research results showed that the addition of filtrate of Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) affected against the effectiveness of S. litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) from ultraviolet light. From the three filtrate concentrations of Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) that were tested, the most influential concentration was 2.5%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Minarno, Eko Budi and Barizi, Ahmad | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Spodoptera litura; SlNPV; UV protektan; temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata); UV protective | |||||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Jurusan Biologi | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Nimas Hikmatul Azizah | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 08 May 2019 14:08 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 08 May 2019 14:08 | |||||||||
URI: | |
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