Puadiyah, Nisfatul (2018) Developing verbal-visual intelligent through observation time among students at MIN 10 Blitar. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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MIN 10 Blitar is a Madrasah that rich some activities that can support the growth of the students both in terms of cognitive impairment, affective and psychomotoric aspects. One of the activities that can develop verbal-visual intelligence students is observation time. is one of the activities in the conduct of MIN 10 Blitar in every Saturday after gymnastics. The students search the waste object like small branch, leaf, wrap of snacks and etcetera, to observe and from the results of the observations they make of sentences.
The purpose of this research is to: (1) explains the program of observation time at MIN 10 Blitar (2) describe the process of implementation observation time (obstime) program to develop the verbal-visual intelligence at MIN 10 Blitar (3) find out the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of observation time at MIN 10 Blitar.
To achieve that goal is used qualitative research approach. The researcher as the main instrument of research. Data collection technique that is used is the interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis with three stages: reduction data, presentation of data and the conclusion. Test the validity of the data with the source triangulation and triangulation techniques.
The results of the study showed that: (1) program of observation time can develop visual intelligence students, develop the student's verbal intelligence and reduce trash surroundings madrasah (2) in the process of observation time there is the role of the head of the Madrasah, the role of teachers and implement the round table method (3) supporting factors of observation time program in MIN 10 Blitar is: support from principle of MIN 10 Blitar, support from teachers MIN 10 Blitar, the studends are always active and enthusiastic, painted and calligraphy extracurricular, whereas the restricting factors of observation time program at MIN 10 Blitar is: training education program teacher or event, a short time and not every students can create a lot of sentences.
MIN 10 Blitar merupakan Madrasah yang kaya akan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat mendukung tumbuh kembang siswa baik dari segi kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Salah satu kegiatan yang dapat mengembangkan kecerdasan verbal-visual siswa adalah observation time. Observation time adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan setiap hari sabtu setelah senam sehat. Disini siswa mencari obyek dari barang bekas atau sampah berupa daun, batang, bungkus snack dan lain sebagainya, untuk diamati dan dari hasil pengamatan tersebut mereka tuangkan dalam bentuk kalimat.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) menjelaskan program observation time (obstime) di MIN 10 Blitar (2) Mendeskripsikan proses implementasi program observation time dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan verbal-visual di MIN 10 Blitar (3) menjelaskan faktor pendukung dan penghambat proses observation time (obstime) di MIN 10 Blitar.
Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Peneliti bertindak sebagai instrumen utama dalam penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dengan tiga tahapan, yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data dengan sumber triangulasi dan teknik triangulasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) program observation time dapat mengembangkan kecerdasan visual siswa, mengembangkan kecerdasan verbal siswa dan mengurangi sampah dilingkungan madrasah (2) Dalam proses observation time terdapat peran Kepala Madrasah, peran guru dan menerapkan metode round table (3) Faktor pendukung program observation time di MIN 10 Blitar adalah: dukungan Kepala MIN 10 Blitar, dukungan para guru MIN 10 Blitar, siswa yang selalu aktif dan antusias, ekstrakulikuler melukis dan kaligrafi, sedangkan faktor penghambat program observation time di MIN 10 Blitar adalah: diklat guru atau acara tertentu, waktu yang singkat dan tidak semua siswa dapat menciptakan banyak kalimat.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Yahya, Mokhammad | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Verbal-visual Intelligence; observation time; Kecerdasan Verbal-visual; Observation time | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | ||||||
Depositing User: | Zuhria Sulkha Amalia | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 05 Nov 2018 09:38 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 05 Nov 2018 09:38 | ||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/11821 |
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