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Implementasi kualitas pelayanan pada Giant Ekspres Dinoyo Malang

Iswara, Yoga Nur (2018) Implementasi kualitas pelayanan pada Giant Ekspres Dinoyo Malang. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

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Kualitas suatu produk/jasa merupakan fokus perhatian konsumen. Kebutuhan konsumen yang terus meningkat dan didasari oleh tingkat kekritisan yang semakin tinggi, konsumen cenderung menuntut pelayanan secara pribadi dan ikut dilibatkan dalam pengembangan suatu produk/jasa. Hal inilah yang menjadi dasar pemikiran untuk tetap memenuhi kebutuhan, keinginan dan harapan konsumen. Dari hasil penelitian awal pada tanggal 27 November 2017, Giant Ekspres Dinoyo Malang dari tahun 2015-2017 menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan jumlah. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka penulis tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian dengan judul “IMPLEMENTASI KUALITAS PELAYANAN PADA GIANT EKSPRES DINOYO MALANG”.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari manajer, karyawan, dan pelanggan Giant Ekspres Dinoyo Mlanag. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara observasi, interview (wawancara), dokumentasi.

Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima dimensi kualitas pelayanan menunjukkan hasil yang positif, walaupun segi bukti langsug ada beberapa faktor seperti habisnya stok barang, dan juga antrian kasir yang panjang disaat weekend. Akan tetapi para pelanggan memakluminya sehingga itu tidak berpengaruh besar bagi kenyamanan berbelanja pelanggan Giant Ekspres Dinoyo Malang.


The quality of a product / service is the consumer attention focus. The consumer needs are increasing continuously and are based on the level of the higher critic; the consumer tends to demand services personally and is involved in the development of a product / service. This becomes basic thought to continue to meet the needs, desires and expectations of the consumer. From the results of preliminary research on November 27, 2017, Giant Ekspres Dinoyo of Malang from 2015-2017 had showed that there was an increase in the number. Based on the background, the researcher was interested to conduct research with the title "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SERVICE QUALITY AT DINOYO GIANT EXPRES OF MALANG".

The research used qualitative approach. The subjects consisted of managers, employees, and customers of Giant Express Dinoyo Mlanag. Data were collected by observation, interview, documentation.

The research results showed that the fifth of dimensions of service quality resulted positive result, although there were several factors such as the depletion of stocks, and also the long queue cashier during the weekend. But customer understands it so that it does not have a high influence for the convenience of the customer shopping at Dinoyo Giant Express of Malang

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Supervisor: Rahayu, Yayuk Sri
Keywords: Kualitas Pelayanan; Service Quality
Departement: Fakultas Ekonomi > Jurusan Manajemen
Depositing User: Sayyidah Awwaliyah
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2018 10:43
Last Modified: 03 Aug 2018 10:43


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