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Metode monte carlo control variate dalam penentuan nilai opsi double barrier

Maulida, Intan Fara (2020) Metode monte carlo control variate dalam penentuan nilai opsi double barrier. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

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Opsi Double Barrier sangat populer di kalangan investor karena pada opsi
ini terdapat barrier yang mana dapat memberi investor perlindungan tambahan.
Metode Monte Carlo Control Variate adalah salah satu pengembangan metode
untuk mencari nilai opsi secara numerik. Hasil numerik pada metode simulasi
Monte Carlo tidak berbeda dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan model BlackScholes. Keefisienan dan keakuratan hasil metode Monte Carlo dapat ditingkatkan
dengan meningkatkan banyaknya simulasi. Metode Monte Carlo Control Variate
pada penentuan opsi Double Knock-Out memperhitungkan proporsi jarak antara
saham awal dengan batas atas dan batas bawah. Dengan demikian nilai opsi
dengan metode Monte Carlo Control Variate lebih dekat dengan nilai BlackScholes dan menghasilkan nilai simpangan baku yang lebih kecil dibandingkan
dengan metode Monte Carlo Standart. Penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan untuk
penentuan nilai opsi Double Barrier dengan Double Knock-In secara Monte Carlo
Standart dan Control Variate.


A Double Barrier option is very popular among retail investors since it can
provide the investor with additional protection. Control Variate Monte Carlo
method is one of the development methods to find a numerical option value. The
numerical results of the Monte Carlo method are not different from the result of
calculations using the Black-Scholes model. The efficiency and accuracy result of
the Monte Carlo method can be improved by increasing the number of
simulations. Control Variate Monte Carlo method on option pricing Double
Barrier Knock-Out calculates the proportion of the distance between initial stock
price with the upper and lower Barrier. Accordingly, the option value with the
Control Variate Monte Carlo method is closer to the value of Black-Scholes and
the value of standard deviation is smaller than the standard Monte Carlo method.
This research can be developed to determine the value of Double Barrier KnockIn Standard Monte Carlo and Control Variate.

مستخلص البحث:

)بشتهر خيار حواجزمضاعفة (Barrier Double (فيو احلجز
يسطيع أن يضمنهم أكش صنماان. طريقة Variate Control Carlo Monte إحدى التطويرات
ادلنهجية لبحث عن قيمة اخليار عدداي. ال ختتلف النتيبة العددية ىف طريقة مهاكاة Carlo Monte
من نتيجة احلساب ابسجدام منقذج Scholes-Black . ميكن فعاليو و دقة نتاءج طريقة Monte
Carlo ارتفاعهما بتعزيز عددقيام ادلرحاكاة. حتتسب طريقة Variate Control Carlo Monte
حند تعبني جيار Out-Knock Double نسية مسافة بني السهم األول ابحلد األقصى و احلد
األدىن. فالنتيحة عن ذلك, قيمةاجليار بطربية Variate Control Carlo Monte أقرب بقيمة
Scholes-Black و تنتج إىل قيمة اال حنراف ادلعياري األصغر من طريقة Carlo Monte
Standard .ميكن ىذا البحث تطويره لتعيني خيار Barrier Double مع In-Knock Double
.Monte Carlo Control Variate و Monte Carlo Standard ل بغا

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Supervisor: Aziz, Abdul and Alisah, Evawati
Keywords: Metode Control Variate; opsi Double Barrier; saham; Simulasi Monte Carlo Control variate method; stock; double barrier option; monte carlo simulation طريقة Variate Control ; خيارات Barrier Double األسهم ; حماكاة Monte Carlo
Subjects: 01 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES > 0102 Applied Mathematics > 010205 Financial Mathematics
Departement: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Jurusan Matematika
Depositing User: Intan Fara Maulida
Date Deposited: 23 Jul 2020 12:40
Last Modified: 23 Jul 2020 12:40


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