Munawaroh, Laili Hidayatul (2017) Pengembangan bahan ajar matapelajaran aqidah akhlak dalam materi buku Asmaul Husna untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V di SDN Ngasem 03 Kecamatan Ngajum Kabupaten Malang. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Buku adalah suatu pengorganisasian materi pelajaran yang memperhatikan fungsi pendidikan. Strategi pengorganisasian materi pembelajaran mengandung proses yang mengacu dan pembuatan urutan penyajian materi pelajaran, dan analisis yang mengacu pada upaya untuk menunjukkan kepada para pelajar keterkaitan antara fakta, konsep, prosedur yang terkandung dalam matari pembelajaran.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1) Menjelaskan proses pengembangan bahan ajar Asmaul husna mata pelajaran Aqidah akhlak, 2) Menjelaskan tingkat kemenarikan buku mata pelajaran Aqidah akhlak, 3) Menjelaskan minat belajar mata pelajaran Aqidah akhlak dari pada tidak menggunakan buku mata pelajaran Aqidah akhlak di SD ngasem 03 kecamatan ngajum kabupaten malang.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau Reseacrh and Development untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran berupa media buku Asmaul husna. Desain yang digunakan dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran ini mengacu pada model desain Borg and Gall. Adapun tahap pengembangannya melalui empat tahap, yakni; 1) Tahap pra-pengembangan, 2) Tahap pengembangan produk, 3) Tahap Validasi dan revisi, 4) Tahap uji coba produk
Hasil penelitian adalah (1) Proses pengembangan bahan ajar , diperoleh sebuah desain buku mata pelajaran Aqidah akhalk kelas V semester I. Dari hasil validasi media pembelajaran ini menunjukkan kevalidan yang terbukti dengan presentase rata-rata dari: a) validasi ahli isi (materi) 70% menyatakan sangat valid, b) hasil validasi ahli media desain pembelajaran 72% menyatakan sangat valid, c) hasil validasi ahli pembelajaran (guru) 86% menyatakan sangat valid. (2) Hasil presentase tingkat kevalidan pada uji coba kelas V SD ngasem 03 kecamatan ngajum menunjukkan 86% menyatakan sangat valid.(3) Hasil analisis data melalui rumus uji tmenghasilkan t hitung ≥ t tabel, = 2,07 , sehingga terdapat perbedaan pada siswa yang menggunakan buku pembelajaran dengan yang tidak. Maka hasil pengembangan yang telah dilakukan mampu meningkatkan minat belajar siswa.
The book is organizing subject matter that looks at the function of education. Organization strategy learning material contains processes that refer to presentation of the subject matter, and the analysis refers to the attempt to demonstrate to students the relationship between facts, concepts, procedures that are contained in learning to shine.
This research aimed at; 1) Describing the process of development of teaching materials of Asmaul Husna of Moral belief subjects, 2) describing the level of attractiveness of the Moral belief textbooks, 3) Explaining the interest in learning of Moral belief subjects and the attractiveness which did no using the Moral belief textbooks outcomes at (Public Elementary School) SDN of class V Ngasem 03 ngajum Malang.
The method used a research and development to produce instructional media such as books of Asmaul Husna media. The design that was used in the development of this instructional media referred to the Borg and Gall design model. The development stages were through four stages, namely; 1) pre-development stage, 2) stage of product development, 3) Phase of Validation and revision, 4) Phase of product trials.
The results of the research were (1) The process of developing teaching materials, it was obtained a design of moral belief textbooks of fifth grade of first semester. From this learning media validation result showed the validity of which was evident by the average percentage of: a) validation of expert content (material) of 70 % was said very valid, b) the result of the validation of expert of instructional design media of 72% was said very valid, c) the result of validation of learning experts (teachers) of 86% was said very valid. (2) The percentage of the level of validity of the trial of class V outcomes at (Public Elementary School) SDN of class V Ngasem 03 ngajum showed 86% very valid. (3) The result of the data analysis through the t test formula produced t count ≥ t table, = 2.07, so that there was a difference in Students who used textbooks with those who did not use the textbook. So the result of the development that has been done can increase student learning interest.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Sholeh, Achmad | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Minat Belajar; Kemenarikan Buku; Materiasmaul Husna; Buku Mata Pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak; Validitas Buku; Learning Interest; The Attractiveness Of The Book; R Asmaul Husna Material; Moral Belief Book Material; Book Validity | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | ||||||
Depositing User: | Ikbar Romadona | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 16 Apr 2018 09:27 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 16 Apr 2018 09:27 | ||||||
URI: | |
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