Nofitasari, Gustina (2017) Pandangan Majelis Ulama Indonesia Kabupaten Ponorogo terhadap dispensasi calon istri yang hamil di luar nikah. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Pernikahan dini selalu menjadi sorotan dari berbagai pihak terutama di mata masyarakat dan ulama. Dengan adanya dispensasi nikah dapat memberikan jalan keluar bagi calon istri dan calon suami yang menikah di bawah umur. Pernikahan dini disebabkan karena pergaulan sebagai dampak modernisasi telah terjadi pergeseran nilai nilai kehidupan, antara lain dalam pergaulan sosial. Pernikahan dini di usia anak anak tidaklah jauh berbeda mengingat fakta perilaku seksual remaja melakukan hubungan seks sebelum menikah sering berujung pada pernikahan dini salah satunya yang diakibatkan hamil sebelum nikah yaitu melakukan perzinaan di luar pernikahan.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pandangan Majelis Ulama Indonesia Kabupaten Ponorogo perkara dispensasi calon istri yang hamil di luar nikah.
Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian empiris atau penelitian lapangan (field research). Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif Pandangan untuk rumusan pertama. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan yakni data primer dan sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan dalam metode pengolahan data peneliti menggunakan tahapan editing, classifying, verifying, analyzing dan concluding.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya pernikahan dini di Kabupaten Ponorogo karena faktor hamil di luar nikah. Pandangan MUI adanya dispensasi nikah karena pergaulan bebas sehingga terus menurus menjadi budaya di kalangan anak remaja. Untuk Se-karisidenan Madiun,Ponorogo sangat mencolok. Dan perlu dipastikan terlebih dahulu apakah perempuan itu akan dinikahkan dengan ayah biologis anak yang dikandungnya apa tidak. Anak yang dilahirkannya adalah anak zina dengan kesepakatan para ulama, bahwasannya anak tersebut dinasabkan kepada Ibunya dan tidak dinasabkan kepada ayah biologisnya. MUI menyetujui dispensasi nikah demi kemaslahatan calon istri. Ulama Syafi’iyah mengatakan bahwa, wanita hamil akibat zina boleh melangsungkan perkawinan dengan laki laki yang menghamilinya. Syafi’i menyatakan tumbuhnya bulu-bulu ketiak merupakan bukti baligh seseorang. Mereka juga menyatakan usia baligh untuk anak laki-laki dan perempuan lima belas tahun. Dari sinilah maka sangat tepat untuk mengatakan bahwa legalitas dispensasi nikah sebagaimana terdapat dalam Undang Undang Perkawinan No 1 Tahun 1974 sebagai jalan keluar.
An underage marriage is always in the spotlight from various parties especially in the eyes of society and Ulama. With the dispensation of marriage can provide the way out for potential married couples and potential marriage minors. An underage marriage is due to the association as the impact of modernization has been a shift in values of life, among others in social interaction. An underage marriage at the age of children is not much different considering the fact of sexual behavior of teenagers to have sex before marriage often culminates in an underage marriage one of which caused pregnancy before marriage is to commit adultery outside of marriage.
The focus of this research is to know Majelis Ulama Indonesia Ponorogo Regency’s view on the cases of dispensation future wife who is pregnant without being married first.
This research is included in empirical research or field research. In this study, the researchers used the qualitative approach to analyze the first formulation and contribution to the second formulation. The data source used is primary and secondary data. Data collection methods used in this study consisted of interviews and documentation. While in the method of data processing researcher use stages of editing, classifying, verifying, analyzing and concluding.
Based on the research result, underage marriage in Ponorogo regency is due to pregnant outside of marriage. According to MUI, dispensation for marriage is due to free social intercourse; therefore it somehow becomes a culture among the youngsters. It is especially very visible for the Madiun, Ponorogo residency. However, first, MUI needs to ensure that the girl will be married by the man who had made her pregnant or not. The child that will be delivered by the girl is considered by the mufti as a child of adultery; that the child follows the mother’s lineage instead of the child’s biological father. MUI will agree to the marriage dispensation for the future wife’s sake. Syafi’iyah Ulama stated that pregnant women due to adultery may carry a marriage with the man who made her pregnant. Syafi’i said that the growth of armpit hair is considered as the sign of a person’s puberty. They also stated that the puberty age for boys and girls is fifteen years old. Therefore it is possible to say that the legality of marriage dispensation is based on what is stated within the Undang Undang Perkawinan No. 1, 1974 as a solution.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Saifullah, Saifullah | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Dispensasi; Hamil Di Luar Nikah; Pernikahan Dini; Dispensation; Pregnancy Out of Wedlock; an Underage Marriage | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Syariah > Jurusan al-Ahwal al-Syakhshiyyah | ||||||
Depositing User: | Taufik Handiadi | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 13 Mar 2018 16:40 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 13 Mar 2018 16:40 | ||||||
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