Mahmudah, Umi (2016) Peran guru PAI dalam menginternalisasi nilai–nilai multikultural pada siswa melalui pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam: Studi kasus di Sekolah Mitra Harapan Madiun. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Proses pendidikan dan pengajaran agama Islam lebih menekankan sisi keselamatan individu (eksklusif) dan kelompoknya dari pada keselamatan yang dimiliki dan didambakan oleh orang lain di luar diri dan kelompoknya sendiri (inklusif). Terlihat pada terbatasnya ruang perbedaan pendapat antara guru dengan murid atau antara murid dengan murid dalam sistem pendidikan Islam, sehingga proses pembelajarannya bersifat indoktrinasi dan fokus pendidikannya hanya pada pencapaian kemampuan ritual dan keyakinan tauhid dengan materi ajar pendidikan Islam yang bersifat tunggal, yaitu benar salah dan baik-buruk yang mekanistik. Oleh sebab itu, PAI berperan mengubah paradigma yang bercorak eksklusif ke inklusif. Diantaranya dengan menggunakan model, metode, dan strategi yang interaktif. Selain berperan dalam membentuk kesalehan pribadi, sosial, organisator budaya, dan motivator. Guru PAI dalam kemampuan profesional dan personal harus memiliki pemahaman dan penghayatan nilai – nilai multikultural dalam keberagaman terhadap siswa di sekolah.
Penulis memformulasikan dalam rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana peran guru PAI dalam menginternalisasi nilai – nilai multikultural pada siswa melalui pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah Mitra Harapan Madiun, (2) Apa faktor hambatan, pendukung, serta solusinya dalam menginternalisasi nilai – nilai multikultural pada siswa melalui pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah Mitra Harapan Madiun.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Tahap penelitian yang dilakukan berupa pralapangan, penentuan teknik menggunakan purposive sampling dengan informan Kepala sekolah, Guru PAI, dan murid beragama Islam. Kemudian pengumpulan data dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Setelah itu analisis data dengan teknik analisis kualitatif dan pengecekan keabsahan data dengan pengecekan teman sejawat, triangulasi sumber, dan ketekunan pengamat.
Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran guru PAI dalam menginternalisasi nilai – nilai multikultural pada siswa melalui pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam yaitu bagaimana guru mengajarkan dasar ilmu (pengetahuan) agama dan multikultural sebagai bentuk manifestasi pengajar (mu’allim), bagaimana guru mengajarkan rasa kasih sayang, toleransi, kerukunan, kedamaian, dan sikap saling tolong – menolong antar sesama sebagai bentuk perwujudan pendidik (murabby), bagaimana keteladanan guru dalam perayaan hari besar setiap agama sebagai bentuk manifestasi teladan (mursyid), bagaimana guru membentuk budi pekerti / sikap interaksi sosial yang baik sebagai bentuk perwujudan (muaddib). Faktor penghambat yang ada yaitu kurangnya pemahaman peserta didik tentang agama dan nilai – nilai multikultural, adapun faktor pendukungnya yaitu adanya fasilitas musholla dan buku – buku tafsir terjemahan / pesantren di perpustakaan sekolah, sedangkan solusi untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut yaitu melalui pendekatan persuasif, yaitu bentuk pendekatan dengan mencontohkan pengalaman nyata keseharian.
The process of education and Islamic teachings is much more concerned on individual and collective salvation that has been possessed and desired by the outsiders. Considering on the limitation on the difference between the teachers’ and students’ viewpoints or between the students’ viewpoints themselves, to be specific in the Islamic context, the instructional process tends to be a non-doctrine of which focus refers to the ritual and religious competencies by means of single Islamic teachings’ materials, whether or not it is mechanistically correct. Therefore, Islamic Education course takes role to change from the exclusive paradigm to the inclusive one, through interactive model, method, and strategy. In addition to forming the individual religiousness, social, cultural organization, and motivation, the teacher of Islamic Education course is to have a good understanding on the multicultural values as well as diversity upon the students in the school in the context of professionalism and individualism.
The problem formulations of this research were: (1) How is the role of the teacher of Islamic Education course in internalizing the multicultural values in the students’ viewpoints by means of Islamic Education course in Mitra Harapan School of Madiun? (2) What are the obstructing and supporting factors in addition to the solutions to help internalizing the students’ viewpoints on the multicultural values in Islamic Education course in Mitra Harapan School of Madiun?
This research employed descriptively qualitative research approach by means of case study research design. The research stages conducted comprised pre-research, technique selection for sampling (which used purposive sampling to The Headmaster as the informant), the teacher of Islamic Education course, and the Islamic students. Henceforth, the data collection was through observation, interview, and documentation. Additionally, the data analysis was executed qualitatively as the data validation was conducted through peer-assessment, triangulation, and observer discipline.
This research unveiled that the student internalization upon the multicultural values was concerned on how the teacher taught the basic knowledge of the religion and the multiculturalism as it manifested how the educator (mu’allim) was, how the teacher taught the essence of affection, tolerance, harmony, peace, and caring as the reflection of the educator (murabby), how the teacher exemplified the way how to celebrate the holy days of the religion they are believing in as it reflected the good model to follow (mursyid), and how the teacher built the student’s moral (muaddib). The obstructing factors referred to the lack of the student’s understanding on the religion and multicultural values, while the supporting factors did on the facilities, such as mosque and book availability, to be specific the books noting the translation of religious sayings. Meanwhile, to come up with the aforementioned problems, persuasive approach was employed, by means of providing of the student with a good example that is relevant with their real life.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Rossidy, Imron | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Peran Guru PAI; Internalisasi Nilai–Nilai Multikultural; Teachers’ Role; Internalization of Multicultural Values | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam | ||||||
Depositing User: | Dian Anesti | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 10 Jan 2017 11:36 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 10 Jan 2017 11:36 | ||||||
URI: | |
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