Wahyuningsih, Fitria (2016) Analisis sejarah sosial terhadap materi kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz di buku ajar sejarah kebudayaan Islam kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Sejarah sebagai laboratorium bagi ilmu-ilmu mengenai kehidupan sosial. Lingkup materi sejarah itu sendiri sangat luas, yang di dalamnya terdapat beberapa ilmu sosial seperti politik, ekonomi, antropologi, seni dan sebagainya. Materi sejarah memiliki fungsi untuk mengajarkan manusia tentang bagaimana orang lain bertindak dalam keadaan khusus, menentukan pilihan-pilihan yang dibuat, dan tentang keberhasilan dan kegagalan di masa lalu. Maka mata pelajaran sejarah di sekolah harus diberikan secara komprehensif, salah satunya melalui penyajian materi dalam buku ajar siswa. Terkhusus materi sejarah kebudayaan Islam yang tujuannya dapat mengambil hikmah dari meneladani tokoh-tokoh Islam. Dalam hal ini peneliti menguaraikan materi Kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz secara komprehensif dari buku ajar SKI siswa kurikulum 2013 melalui perspektif sosiologis. Sehingga bisa disebut sejarah sosial yang terdiri dari aspek struktur sosial, proses sosial, dan perubahan sosial.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) Menganalisis sosiologis materi kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz pada aspek struktur sosial, (2) Menganalisis sosiologis materi kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz pada aspek proses sosial, (3) Menganalisis sosiologis materi kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz pada aspek perubahan sosial.
Untuk mencapai tujuan digunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian library reasech. Maka pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui kajian buku-buku, artikel, dan kajian di internet yang relevan dengan materi kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz perspektif sosiologis. Kemudian data yang diperoleh dianalisis melalui reduksi data primer (buku ajar SKI siswa pendekatan saintifik 2013) dan data sekunder, memaparkan data dan menarik kesimpulan.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, (1) struktur sosial pada masa kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz ialah mengutamakan musyawarah dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan dan menegakkan keadilan serta kebenaran dalam menyelesaikan masalah. (2) Proses sosial yang dijalin oleh khalifah Umar bin Abdul ialah membangun kedekatan antara khalifah dengan para ulama’ baik sebagai penasehat agama maupun negara. Selain itu, beliau juga sangat terbuka terhadap rakyatnya yang mau menyampaikan kritik, keluh kesah, dan idenya.(3) Perubahan sosial yang terjadi di masa kepemimpinan Umar bin Abdul Aziz ialah merebaknya perbincangan amal kebaikan di kalangan masyarakat dan yang paling menonjol yakni meratanya kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran rakyat dan sebagainya.
History as the laboratory for the sciences of social life. The scope of the historical material itself is very wide, containing some social sciences such as politics, economics, anthropology, art and so on. The historical material has a function to teach people about how other people act in special circumstances, determine the choices they made, and about the successes and failures of the past. So the history subject in schools should be given comprehensively, one of the ways is through material presentation in students’ textbooks. Especially the material of Islamic cultural history which the purpose is to take lessons by imitating the Muslim figures. In this case the researchers described the Leadership materials of Umar bin Abdul Aziz comprehensively from the textbook of SKI curriculum 2013 through a sociological perspective. So, that could be called a social history which consists of the aspects of social structure, social processes and social change.
The purpose of this study was to: (1) Analyze the leadership material sociology of Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the aspect of social structure, (2) Analyze the leadership material sociology of Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the aspect of social processes, (3) Analyze the leadership material sociology of Umar bin Abdul Aziz on the aspect of social change.
To achieve the goal, a qualitative approach was used with the type of library research. Thus, the data is collected through books study, articles, and studies on the internet which is relevant to leadership material of Umar bin Abdul Aziz in the sociological perspective. Then the data obtained was analyzed by primary data reduction (SKI student textbook of scientific approach 2013) and secondary data, presenting data and drawing conclusions.
Results from the study showed that, (1) the social structure during the reign of Umar bin Abdul Aziz is to prioritize consensus in decision-making and to uphold justice and righteousness in solving the problem. (2) the Social processes woven by the Caliph Umar bin Abdul is to build closeness between the caliph to the scholars' either as advisors of religion and state. In addition, he was also very open to people who want to criticize, complain, and give some ideas. (3) The social changes occurred in the leadership of Umar bin Abdul Aziz was the widespread talk of good deeds in the community and the most prominent thing was the even spread of well-being and prosperity of the people and so on.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Hady, M. Samsul | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Sejarah sosial; Kepemimpinan; Umar bin Abdul Aziz; Social History; Leadership | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam | ||||||
Depositing User: | Dian Anesti | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 06 Dec 2016 17:58 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 15 May 2023 15:16 | ||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/4918 |
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