Ulfa, Maria (2008) Pengaruh musik shalawat terhadap penurunan burnout karyawan. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Musik Shalawat adalah musik yang didalamnya terdapat syair-syair shalawat/doa-doa kepada Rasulullah, baik diiringi dengan alat–alat musik tradisional maupun alat – alat musik modern. Burnout adalah kelelahan kerja yang meliputi stres pekerjaan, ketegangan (straint) dan koping. Stres pekerjaan merupakan persepsi mengenai ketidakseimbangan antara sumber–sumber individu dan tuntutan yang ditujukan pada individu yang bersangkutan, seperti merasa malas dan merasa pekerjaan yang dilakukan kurang memuaskan. strain (ketegangan) yaitu respon emosional sesaat terhadap ketidakseimbangan, seperti perasaan tegang, cemas, dan lelah. Koping yaitu perubahan – perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku, seperti tidak ramah terhadap klien dan mudah tersinggung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh musik shalawat terhadap burnout karyawan.
Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan penelitian eksperimental (disebut juga penelitian intervensi), yaitu prosedur dalam penelitian kuantitatif dimana peneliti melakukan intervensi atau memberi perlakuan (treatment) pada sekelompok subjek dan kemudian mencatat perubahan perilaku yang tejadi pada kelompok subjek tersebut, intervensi bisa berwujud aktifitas atau bahan yang diasumsikan dapat menyebabkan perubahan pada perilaku. Jenis rancangan eksperimen yang digunakan adalah pra- eksperimental (Pre-Experimental) karena hanya memenuhi sebagian saja dari tiga prinsip eksperimen (replikasi, randomisasi dan kontrol). Desain pra-eksperimental yang digunakan adalah The One-Group Pre-Posttest Design, Yaitu pengukuran yang dilakukan sebanyak dua kali yaitu sebelum eksperimen dan sesudah eksperimen. Pengukuran yang dilakukan sebelum eksperimen (U1) disebut pre test dan pengukuran sesudah eksperimen (U2) disebut post test. Pemberian eksperimen disebut perlakuan (P).
Lokasi penelitian di laboratorium medis SIMA Malang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala burnout dan wawancara. Instrumen menggunakan skala burnout, guide wawancara, musik shalawat yang diambil berdasarkan professional Judgment yaitu penilaian/pendapat dari ahli musik shalawat dan sesuai dengan karakteristik subjek. Syair shalawat diambil dari kitab shalawat Burdah (Judul lagu ya robbi bil musthofa, dari UKM Seni Religius UIN Malang) dan kitab shalawat Barzanji (judul lagu Sholla ’alaikallah Dari Mayada). Metode pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling yang berjumlah 15 orang. Analisis data menggunakan Uji-t amatan ulang.
Prosedur eksperimen di bagi dalam dua tahap yaitu tahap persiapan berupa pemilihan sampel dan menentukan ruangan serta mengatur posisi subjek agar fokus terhadap pemberian perlakuan (suara musik terdengar jelas/menjangkau subjek). Tahap kedua tahap pelaksanaan penelitian, yaitu melakukan pengukuran (U1) dengan memberikan skala burnout, lalu diberi perlakuan (P) dengan mendengar musik shalawat selama 14 menit 11 detiik, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran kembali (U2) dengan memberikan skala burnout, lalu dilakukan wawancara.
Hasil penelitian adalah Tidak ada perbedaan burnout yang signifikan (t = -1.218) antara sebelum (pe test / U1) dan sesudah (post test / U2) mendengarkan musik shalawat. Tingkat burnout karyawan sebelum mendengarkan musik shalawat (U1) adalah dalam kategori sedang sebesar 80 %. Tingkat burnout karyawan setelah mendengarkan musik shalawat (U2) adalah dalam kategori sedang sebesar 93.3 %. Jadi, tidak ada pengaruh mendengarkan musik shalawat terhadap burnout karyawan.
Kemungkinan penyebab tidak adanya pengaruh mendengarkan musik shalawat terhadap burnout kayawan dikarenakan singkatnya waktu pemberian perlakuan (mendengarkan musik shalawat)/kurang berkesinambungan, singkatnya waktu sampel mengkuti proses penelitian sehingga kemungkinan ada faktor ketidaktelitian dalam mengisi skala, jumlah sampel yang kecil, dan kondisi yang artifisial.
Menariknya dalam wawancara yang penulis lakukan, ketika sampel mendengarkan musik shalawat, mereka merasakan ketenangan batin, siraman spiritual, dan lebih rileks. Jadi ada respon positif dalam proses pemberian perlakuan, namun tidak tampak dalam hasil akhir dalam penghitungan kuantitif.
Shalawat music is a kind of music within which shalawat verses or pray for Rasullullah is delivered both accompanied by traditional musical instruments and the modern ones. Burnout is a fatigue in work including work stress, strain and koping. Work stress is a perception about imbalance between individual sources and pressures addressed to the individual, for instance lazy feeling and unsatisfactory feeling about his/her achievement in doing his/her jobs. Strain is a non-permanent emotional feeling about imbalance, for instance strain, wary and tired feeling. Koping is the change in traits and behaviors experienced by employees. For instance, impolite manner in serving clients and being bad tempered. The objective of the research is to identify the influence of shalawat music to the employees’ burnout.
The research is designed by using experimental research (it is also termed as intervention research), a procedure within quantitative research in which the researchers provide some intervention or treatment to a group of subject and then he or she notes any changes in the subject behavior. In this case, intervention is material or activities assumed to be able to bring behavior changes. The experiment plan genre used in the research is pre-experimental one since it is merely used a small portion of the three experiment principals (replication, randomization, and control). The pre-experimental design used in the research is The One Group Pre Posttest Design. It is a kind of test done before and after the experiment. The test done before the experiment is termed as pre test (U1) and post test is a term used for test which is done after the conduct of the experiment (U2). The experiment conduct is known as treatment (P).
The location of the research is SIMA medical laboratory Malang. The method of the data collection is interview burn out scale application. In addition, it uses burnout scale, interview guide, shalawat music taken based on professional judgment that is a judgment or opinion given by several shalawat music expert and in accordance to the subjects characteristics, as the instrument. The shalawat verses is taken from the book of Shalawat Burdah (the song is entitled as ya robbi bil mustofa, from UKM Seni Religius UIN Malang ) and shalawat Barzanji (the song is entitled as Sholla ‘alaikallah from Mayada). The research is applied purposive sampling method in sample taking method which chooses 15 persons and it uses retest ending method in data analyzing.
The experiment procedure is divided into two steps: preparation step in the form of sample choosing, room determination and subject management in order to make the subject stay focus on the treatment (the sound of the music is clear and reachable to the subjects). The second step is the research conduct phase. In the step, the pre test (U1) is conducted by using burnout scale then the treatment (Perlakuan (P)) is done by exposing the subjects to shalawat music for about 14 minute 11 seconds before the conduct of U2 test which uses burnout scale. After all, the interview session is provided to the subjects.
The result of the research is that there is no significant different burnout (t = -1.218) before (pre test/U1) and after (post test/U2) listening to the shalawat music. The level of the employees’ burnout before they listen to the shalawat music is categorized as medium of which the value is about 80%. Furthermore, the level of employees burn out after they listen to the shalawat music is also still in mediocre category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the music listening activity doesn’t influence the burn out of the employee.
The cause of the condition in which there is no influence of shalawat listening activity to the burn out of the employee is possibly caused by the short duration or less continual of the given treatment (listen to the shalawat music). In short, the duration of sample follows the research process so it is possible that there is inaccurate factor in filling in the scale, the small amount of sample and artificial condition.
Interestingly, In the interview conducted by the author, when the sample is listening to the shalawat music, they find that their feeling is peace, they feel more relax and spiritually fresh. From this side, there is a positive response to the process of treatment although it can be seen on the final stage of the quantitative measurement.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Mangestuti, Retno | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Musik Shalawat; Burnout; Shalawat music | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Psikologi | ||||||
Depositing User: | puput nuzilatin fithroh | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 12 Aug 2016 03:02 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 12 Aug 2016 03:02 | ||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/4327 |
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