Damayanti, Niken Ayu (2018) The use of presupposition triggers of CNN and The Jakarta Post about Israel-Palestine conflict. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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This study examined the use of presupposition triggers in CNN and The Jakarta Post about Israel-Palestine conflict. Presupposition is the assumption of the readers based on the basic knowledge about certain issues. The word, phrase or clause which lead to the presupposition is called as the presupposition triggers. The data of this study was the online newspaper of CNN and The Jakarta Post about Israel and Palestine conflict. The researcher used the edition of January 15 – May 23, 2017 since there was a plan to make a peace-deal between them.
This study employed descriptive qualitative analysis,aiming at describing how the presupposition triggers were used in online media CNN and The Jakarta Post about Israel-Palestine conflict. The researcher used the theory of presupposition triggers proposed by George Yule (1996). The six types of presupposition triggers were existential, lexical, structural, factive, non- factive and counter- factual presupposition triggers.
The result of this study showed that not all of the presupposition triggers proposed by Yule (1996) were applied in the news articles of CNN and The Jakarta Post. In CNN, there were three types of presupposition triggers that were used. Those were the existential, lexical and non – factive presupposition triggers. Meanwhile, in The Jakarta Post, there were four types of presupposition triggers. Those were the existential, lexical, factive and non – factive presupposition triggers. The researcher found that the existential presupposition trigger was the most dominant one in CNN and The Jakarta Post. Both mediadid not apply the structural and counter – factual presupposition triggers, which meant both media avoid the structure of uncertainty in writing the news for the readers. Non – factive presupposition trigger was also found in CNN and The Jakarta Post. CNN and The Jakarta Post used the lexical presupposition trigger. However, both media used it differently. Then, factive presupposition trigger was only used by The Jakarta Post. Meanwhile, CNN did not use the factive presupposition at all. Therefore, there were similarities and differences in the use of the presupposition triggers in the news articles of CNN and The Jakarta Post about Israel and Palestine conflict.
It is suggested for the next researchers to investigate the presupposition trigger which is correlated with another aspect, such as framing. Therefore, the coverage of the presupposition triggers will be broader. In addition, it will be better if the data are not limited to the textual form.
Penelitian ini mengkaji penggunaan pemicu praanggapan di CNN dan The Jakarta Post tentang konflik Israel-Palestina . Praanggapan adalah asumsi pembaca berdasarkan pengetahuan dasar tentang isu-isu tertentu. Kata, frasa, atau klausa yang mengarah pada praanggapan disebut pemicu praanggapan . Data penelitian ini adalah surat kabar online CNN dan The Jakarta Post tentang konflik Israel dan Palestina. Peneliti menggunakan edisi 15 Januari – 23 Mei 2017 karena sudah ada rencana perdamaian di antara mereka.
Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pemicu praanggapan digunakan di media online CNN dan The Jakarta Post tentang konflik Israel-Palestina. Peneliti menggunakan teori presupposition trigger yang dikemukakan oleh George Yule (1996) . Keenam jenis pemicu praanggapan itu adalah pemicu praanggapan eksistensial, leksikal, struktural, faktis, nonfaktual, dan kontrafaktual.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua pemicu praanggapan yang dikemukakan oleh Yule (1996) diterapkan dalam artikel berita CNN dan The Jakarta Post. Di CNN, ada tiga jenis pemicu praanggapan yang digunakan. Diantarana adalah pemicu praanggapan eksistensial, leksikal dan non-faktif. Sementara itu, di The Jakarta Post, ada empat jenis pemicu praanggapan, yaitu pemicu praanggapan eksistensial, leksikal, faktis, dan non-faktif. Peneliti menemukan bahwa pemicu pengandaian eksistensial adalah yang paling dominan di CNN dan The Jakarta Post. Kedua media tidak menerapkan pemicu praanggapan struktural dan kontra-faktual , yang berarti kedua media menghindari struktur ketidakpastian dalam penulisan berita bagi pembacanya. Pemicu praanggapan non-faktiva juga ditemukan di CNN dan The Jakarta Post. CNN dan The Jakarta Post menggunakan pemicu praanggapan leksikal. Namun, kedua media menggunakannya secara berbeda. Kemudian, pemicu praanggapan faktual hanya digunakan oleh The Jakarta Post. Sementara itu, CNN sama sekali tidak menggunakan praanggapan faktual. Oleh karena itu, terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan penggunaan pemicu praanggapan dalam artikel berita CNN dan The Jakarta Post tentang konflik Israel dan Palestina.
Disarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk meneliti pemicu praanggapan yang berkorelasi dengan aspek lain, seperti framing. Oleh karena itu, cakupan pemicu praanggapan akan lebih luas. Selain itu, akan lebih baik jika datanya tidak terbatas pada bentuk tekstual.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Rakhmawati, Deny Efita Nur | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Presupposition Triggers; CNN; The Jakarta Post; Israel- Palestine Conflict | ||||||
Subjects: | 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2003 Language Studies > 200302 English Language | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Humaniora > Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris | ||||||
Depositing User: | niken ayu damayanti | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 19 Apr 2022 13:18 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 19 Apr 2022 13:18 | ||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/35132 |
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