Syamsudin, Syamsudin (2015) Kepemimpinan Profetik: Telaah kepemimpinan Umar bin Khattab dan Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Masters thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Kepemimpinan dan pemimpin merupakan objek dan subjek yang banyak dipelajari, dianalisis dan direfleksikan orang sejak dahulu sampai sekarang dari berbagai sudut pandang. Meskipun sudah banyak definisi dari kepemimpinan, namun hingga saat ini tidak satupun yang memuaskan. Terutama Kepemimpinan pendidikan Islam yang selama ini mendapat stigma negatif terutama pada aspek kepemimpinannya yang terkesan “ademokratis dan diktator” seperti: krisis keteladanan, krisis efektifitas, krisis kesadaran dan krisis kinerja para pemimpinnya. Semua krisis ini disebabkan oleh tidak adanya tujuan yang menjadi orientasi kepemimpinan pendidikan Islam. Atas dasar tersebut peneliti menawarkan konsep kepemimpinan pendidikan Islam yang di gali dari literatur klasik dan modern. Salah satunya adalah kepemimpinan profetik dengan pradigma bahwa kepemimpinan profetik telah berhasil dan mampu memunculkan harapan para pengikutnya pada cita-cita dan nilai-nilai Islam yang tinggi, seperti kepemimpinan Umar bin Khattab dan Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Kunci kehebatan peradaban Islam di masa Umar bin Khattab dan Umar bin Abdul Aziz menjadi kunci public figure yang sangat erat dengan keberhasilan umat Islam secara konsisten, dinamis dan kreatif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: (1) Model kepemimpinan profetik Umar bin Khattab dan Umar bin Abdul Aziz, (2) Perbandingan kepemimpinan profetik Umar bin Khattab dan Umar bin Abdul Aziz dalam konteks kepemimpinan pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif developmental dengan jenis library research, teknik pengumpulan data dengan heuristic dan historiografi, dengan teknik content analysis unityzing, kategorisasi dan penafsiran.
Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa: (1) model kepemimpinan Umar bin Khattab adalah otoritas karismatik dan legal rasional, dengan prinsip Syura’, al-‘Adl dan Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar, pemimpin yang tegas, adil, jujur, amanah, bijaksana, zuhud, wara’ „abqari dan merakyat. Sedangkan Umar bin Abdul Aziz memiliki model kepemimpinan otoritas karismatik, otoritas tradisional dan otoritas legal rasional dengan prinsip Syura’, al-‘Adl dan Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar sebagaimana Rasulullāh SAW. Pemimpin yang amanah, lemah lembut, wara’, tanggung jawab dan merakyat, sehingga beliau disamkan dengan Umar bin Khattab dan di beri gelar Khulafā’ al-Rosyidīn yang kelima. (2) perbandingan kepemimpinannya menghasilkan persamaan dan perbedaan. Persamaannya adalah pada proses pengangkatannya sebagai khalīfah yang sama-sama di angkat dengan demokratis. Sama-sama menerapkan sistem Syura’ al-‘Adl dan Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar, serta dua tokoh ini memiliki satu garis keturunan. Perbedaannya, Umar bin Khattab merupakan peletak pertama sistem kepemimpinan Islam, sedangkan Umar bin Abdul Aziz merupakan penerus dan pembaharu sistem pemerintahan Dinasti Umaiyyah yang semuala menerapkan sistem monarki (kerajaan) menjadi sistem yang pernah diterapkan Rasulullāh dan Khulafā’ al-Rosyidīn.
Leadership and leader are object and subject which have been studied, analyzed and reflected by people for a long time. Although leadership has vast definitions, until now none are satisfactory. Especially the leadership of Islamic education that has a negative stigma, especially in the aspect of leadership education institute that impressed “ademocratic and dictator” Still at crisis such as modeling crisis, effectiveness crisis, awareness crisis and the weakness performance of leaders, the opposite occur there was a crisis of values and ideals. All these crises are caused by there is no purpose at orientation of Islamic education leadership. Based of that, researchers tried to offer the concept of Islamic education leadership which classicc literature and extractive. One of them is prophetic leadership with paradigms that prophetic leadership has been successful and able to raise hopes of his followers on purpose and high value of Islam such as the leadership of Umar bin Khattab and Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
The research aimed to analyze (1) The prophetic leadership model of Umar bin Khattab and Umar bin Abdul Aziz and (2) The comparison of the prophetic leadership of Umar bin Khattab and Umar bin Abdul Aziz in the context of Islamic education leadership. This study used a qualitative approach developmental research which is kind of library research. In technique of collecting data researcher use two stages, which are (1) heuristic literer techniques and (2) technical documentation historiography. The tecnique of data analysis was using content analysis and categorization.
The result of the research were: (1) leadership model of Umar bin Khattab was charismatic authority and legal rational with leadership principles including discussion (Syura’), al-‘Adl and amar ma’ruf nahi munkar. Furthermore, his leadership was explicit, fair, honest, amanah, wise, zuhud, wara’ ‘abqari and humble. Whereas Umar bin Abdul Aziz has a leadership model of charismatic authority, traditional authority and legal authority rational. His leadership prinsiple based on the Syura’, al-‘Adl and Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar at the manner as Rasulullāh SAW. Furthermore, his leadership qualities, trustworthy, gentle, responsibility and humble, so that he same with Umar bin Khattab and given the title as Khulafā’ al-Rosyidīn fifth. (2) The comparison of the leadership prophetic of Umar bin Khattab and Umar bin Abdul Aziz produced similarities and differences. The equations are in the process of appointment as Caliph in the lift together with the democratically. Leadership principles equally apply Syura’ al-‘Adl and Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar, the characteristics leadership the two characters have a lineage. The differences was in the model of prophetic leadership. Umar bin Khattab was the first inventor leadership system in Islam, while Umar bin Abdul Aziz the continued it and innovated the goverment system of Umayyah dynasty who was aplied monarchy system (Kingdom) being system that ever applied by Rasulullāh (Prophet) and Khulafā’ al-Rosyidīn.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Hady, M. Samsul and Barizi, Ahmad | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Kepemimpinan Profetik; Umaraīn; Prophetic Leadership; Umar bin Khattab; Umar bin Abdul Aziz | |||||||||
Departement: | Sekolah Pascasarjana > Program Studi Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Islam | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Zulaikha Zulaikha | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 30 Jun 2016 13:12 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 17 May 2023 10:01 | |||||||||
URI: | |
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