Ulfa, Ektina Naura Barbara (2021) Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persalinan secara sectio caesarea di rumah sakit umum Karsa Husada Batu tahun 2020. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Persalinan sectio caesarea (SC) merupakan proses pengeluaran janin dengan
dilakukannya insisi pada dinding abdomen (laparotomi) dan pada dinding uterus
(histerotomi). Kejadian persalinan sectio caesarea (SC) di RSU Karsa Husada Batu
periode Januari-Desember 2020 sebanyak 203 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persalinan secara sectio caesarea di
Rumah Sakit Umum Karsa Husada Batu Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
observasional desktiptif. Data diperoleh dari rekam medis. Teknik pengambilan data
menggunakan teknik total sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat
deskriptif. Hasil analisis disimpulkan mayoritas persalinan dilakukan secara sectio
caesarea (50,37%) dan sebagian besar pasien berusia 26 hingga 30 tahun (usia produktif)
(28,57%). Sebagian besar pasien bertempat tinggal di Kabupaten Malang (51,23%) dan
berpendidikan terakhir tamat SMA (42,86%). Sebagian besar pasien bekerja sebagai ibu
rumah tangga (77,83%) dan pengguna BPJS (85,72%). Indikasi medis yang mendasari
dilakukannya persalinan secara sectio caesarea dengan jumlah terbanyak adalah adanya
riwayat persalinan SC sebelumnya (26,11%), primitua sekunder (16,75%), dan kehamilan
post-date (15,27%). Sebagian besar pasien merupakan ibu dengan paritas primipara
(40,89%). Secara umum persalinan secara sectio caesarea ini dilakukan karena adanya
indikasi medis pada pasien dan sebagian besar pasien memiliki indikasi medis lebih dari
Caesarean Section (SC) delivery is the process of expelling fetus by making an incision
in the abdominal wall (laparotomy) and the uterine wall (hysterotomy). The incidence of
caesarean section (SC) deliveries at Karsa Husada Hospital Batu during January-December 2020 period was 203 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the
factors that related with caesarean section delivery at Karsa Husada Hospital Batu in
2020. This study was a descriptive observational study. Data obtained from medical
records. The data collection technique using a total sampling technique. Data analysis
using the descriptive univariate analysis. The results of the analysis concluded that the
majority of deliveries were performed by cesarean section (50.37%) and most of the
patients were aged 26 to 30 years (productive age) (28.57%). Most of the patients resided
in Malang Regency (51.23%) and had the last education of high school graduation
(42.86%). Most of the patients work as housewives (77.83%) and BPJS users (85.72%).
The medical indications that underlie the delivery by cesarean section with the highest
number are the history of previous cesarean delivery (26.11%), secondary primary
(16.75%), and post-date pregnancy (15.27%). Most of the patients were mothers with
primiparous parity (40.89%). In general, delivery by cesarean section is carried out
because of medical indications in the patient and most patients have more than one
medical indication.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Riskiyah, Riskiyah and Ayudianti, Prida | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | sectio caesarea; indikasi medis; indikasi non medis; faktor predisposisi sectio caesarea; medical indication; non medical indication; predisposing factor | |||||||||
Subjects: | 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1110 Nursing > 111006 Midwifery 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine > 111402 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine > 111404 Reproduction |
Departement: | ?? JPD ?? | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Ektina Naura Barbara Ulfa | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 08 Aug 2021 20:47 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 08 Aug 2021 20:47 | |||||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/29920 |
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