Amin, Muhammad Syukron (2020) Perancangan model Enterprise Architecture dan implementasi sistem informasi menggunakan framework TOGAF ADM pada PT. Perkebunan dan Perdagangan Gambar. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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PT. Perkebunan dan Perdagangan Gambar yang memiliki luas areal perkebunan 825,4360 Ha dikelola oleh 75 orang staf tetap dan 250 orang pekerja yang terbagi dalam 3 bagian yakni kantor, lapangan dan pabrik. Dengan bisnis yang semakin berkembang, maka tingkat operasionalnya juga semakin tidak sederhana dan kebutuhan perencanaan serta pengelolaan kebutuhan untuk perusahaan yang semakin berkembang. Sehingga perusahaan perlu menerapkan enterprise architecture untuk dapat melakukan perencanaan dan pengelolaan yang tepat dalam perkembangan bisnisnya. Pada Penelitian ini enterprise architecture menggunakan framework TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework), TOGAF memberikan solusi metode yang detail bagaimana membangun, mengelola dan mengimplementasikan EA dan sistem informasi yang disebut dengan Architecture Development Method (ADM), ADM merupakan hasil dari kerjasama praktisi arsitektur dalam Open Group Architecture Forum. ADM merupakan metode yang berisikan sekumpulan aktifitas yang mempresentasikan progresi dari setiap fase ADM serta model arsitektur yang digunakan dalam setiap tahap pengembangan enterprise architecture dengan 9 tahapan yaitu preliminary and requirement management, architecture vision, business architecture, architecture system information, technology architecture, opportunities and solution, architecture migration planning, implementation governance, and architecture change management. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan AE dibangun dalam PT. Perkebunan dan Perdagangan Gambar dengan tunjuan memberikan arah yang sesuai terhadap kegiatan perusahaan atau organisasi sebagai landasan dalam membuat kebijakan, strategi bisnis, tujuan, sasaran serta pelaksanaan program kerja dalam perusahaan dalam bentuk blue print, roadmap dan GAP analisis.
PT. Plantation and Trade Image which has an area of plantation 825.4360 Ha is managed by 75 permanent staff and 250 workers divided into 3 parts namely offices, fields and factories. With a growing business, the operational level is also less simple and the need for planning and management needs for the company that will later grow. So the company needs to implement enterprise architecture to be able to do the right planning and management in the development of its business. In this research, enterprise architecture using TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) framework, TOGAF provides detailed method solutions on how to build, manage and implement EA and information systems called Architecture Development Method (ADM), ADM is the result of collaboration of architecture practitioners in the Open Group Architecture Forum. ADM is a method that contains a set of activities that present the progression of each phase of ADM and the architecture model used in each stage of enterprise architecture development with 9 stages namely preliminary and requirement management, architecture vision, business architecture, architecture system information, technology architecture, opportunities and solution, architecture migration planning, implementation governance, and architecture change management. In the research conducted AE built in PT. Plantation and Image Trading with the guidance to provide appropriate direction to the activities of the company or organization as the basis in making policy, business strategy, objectives, objectives and implementation of work programs in the company in the form of blue print, roadmap and GAP analysis.
مستخلص البحث
ةعرزم نم ةحاسم اهيدل يتلا ةروص ةراجتلاو ةعرزم .لامعلا بزح825.4360 نم رادت وه اه لبق75 و نيمئادلا نيفظوملا250 ىلإ ةمسقم لامعلا3 ومن عم .عناصملاو لوقحلاو بتاكملا يهو ءازجأ
سب لقأ اضيأ وه يليغشتلا ىوتسملاو ، ةيراجتلا لامعلأا ةكرشلل ةرادلإا تاجايتحاو طيطختلا ىلإ ةجاحلاو ةطا طيطختلاب مايقلا ىلع ةرداق نوكتل ةسسؤملا ةينب ذيفنت ىلإ ةكرشلا جاتحت كلذل .قحلا تقو يف ومنت فوس يتلا لمع راطإ مادختساب ةسسؤملا ةينب ، ثحبلا اذه يف .اهلامعأ ريوطت يف حيحصلا ةرادلإاو TOGAF راطإ( ا ةعومجملا لكيهرفوت ، )ةحوتفمل TOGAF ذيفنتو ةرادإو ءانب ةيفيك لوح بولسلأل ةلصفم
ا لاولح EA ةرامعلا ريوطت بولسأ ةامسملا تامولعملا ةمظنأو (ADM) دعت ، ADM ةسدنهلا يسرامم نواعت ةجيتن ةحوتفملا ةعومجملل ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلا ىدتنم يف ةيرامعملا. ADM ةعومجم ىلع يوتحي يذلا بولسلأا وه لحارم نم ةلحرم لك يف مدقتلا مدقت يتلا ةطشنلأا نم ADM لك يف ةمدختسملا ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلا جذومنو عم ةسسؤملا ةينب ريوطت لحارم نم ةلحرم9 ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلا ةيؤرو ، تابلطتملاو ةيلولأا ةرادإ يه لحارم دنهلا ماظن تامولعمو ، ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلاو ، ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلاو ، ، ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلاو ، ةيرامعملا ةس يرجأ يذلا ثحبلا يف .ةينبلا رييغت ةرادإو ، ةيذيفنتلا ةمكوحلاو ، ةرامعلا ةرجه طيطختو ، لحلاو صرفلاو AE يف تينب PT. ةمظنملا وأ ةكرشلا ةطشنلأ بسانملا هيجوتلا ريفوتل هيجوتلا عم ةراجتلل ةروص و ةعرزم رتساو تاسايسلا عنص يف ساسأك يف ةكرشلا يف لمعلا جمارب ذيفنتو فادهلأاو فادهلأاو لامعلأا تايجيتا ليلحتو قيرطلا ةطراخو ، ءاقرزلا ةعابطلا لكش .GAP
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Zaman, Syahiduz and Hanani, Ajib | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | TOGAF; Enterprise Architecture; Architecture Development; Method F;ةسسؤملا ةسدنه ; ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلا ريوطت بولسأ | |||||||||
Subjects: | 08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0806 Information Systems > 080608 Information Systems Development Methodologies 08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0806 Information Systems > 080609 Information Systems Management 08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0806 Information Systems > 080610 Information Systems Organisation |
Departement: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Jurusan Teknik Informatika | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Muhammad Syukron Amin | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2021 12:44 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 20 Jun 2023 08:56 | |||||||||
URI: | |
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