Tazuyyun, Shanaz Hanani (2020) Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun kemangi (Ocimum citriodorum) terhadap kadar superoksida dismutase (SOD) paru tikus wistar setelah paparsn asap rokok. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Cigarette smoke contains free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) so that it can decreased lung’s endogenous enzymatic antioxidant, including superoxide dismutase (SOD). Hence, exogenous antioxidants required. Lemon basil extract contains phenolic and non-phenolic compounds, such as flavonoid, extragole, and α-bergamotene, which have antioxidant activity and are supportive towards enhancing endogenous antioxidant activity so that free radicals are further reduced. This study’s aim is to examine the effect of lemon basil (Ocimum Citriodorum) leaf extract on lung SOD levels after exposure to cigarette smoke. A total of 24 white Wistar rats were divided into six groups. The normal group (N) were not exposed to cigarette smoke and given distilled water; the negative control group (-) were given exposure to cigarette smoke and distilled water; the positive control group (+) were given exposure to cigarette smoke and vitamin E; treatment groups (P1, P2, and P3) were given exposure to cigarette smoke and lemon basil leaf extract with doses of 50 mg/BW, 100 mg/BW, and 200 mg/BW. On Day 22, rats were terminated and their pulmonary SOD levels were measured by employing the hydroxylamine method, using a 550-nm UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Data were analyzed by parametric test One Way Anova. The results showed a significant difference (p <0.05) in the administration of lemon basil leaf extract on the SOD level of lungs exposed to cigarette smoke, with the lowest average SOD levels were in the (-) group and the highest average SOD levels were in the treatment dose of 100 mg/BW group. The conclusion of this study is the administration of lemon basil leaf extract affects the SOD levels of rat lung exposed to cigarette smoke.
Asap rokok adalah sumber radikal bebas atau reactive oxygen species (ROS) yang mana dapat menurunkan enzim antioksidan organ paru, diantaranya superoksida dismutase (SOD), sehingga butuh antioksidan eksogen. Ekstrak daun kemangi memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dari senyawa fenolik dan non-fenoliknya, seperti flavonoid, estragole, α-bergamotene, dll., yang dapat mereduksi radikal bebas dan meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan endogen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh ekstrak daun kemangi (Ocimum citriodorum) terhadap kadar SOD paru tikus setelah terpapar asap rokok. Sebanyak 24 tikus putih galur Wistar dibagi dalam enam kelompok. Kelompok normal (N) tanpa diberi perlakuan, kelompok kontrol negatif (-) diberi paparan asap rokok dan aquades, kelompok kontrol positif (+) diberi paparan asap rokok dan vitamin E, kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 adalah kelompok perlakuan yang diberi paparan asap rokok dan ekstrak daun lemon basil dengan dosis berturut-turut 50 mg/kgBB, 100 mg/kgBB, dan 200 mg/kgBB. Hari ke 22 tikus diterminasi dan diukur kadar SOD paru dengan metode hidroksilamin, menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis 550-nm. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji parametrik One Way Anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p <0,05) pada pemberian ekstrak daun kemangi terhadap kadar SOD paru tikus yang terpapar asap rokok, dengan kadar SOD rata-rata terendah pada kelompok kontrol negatif dan kadar SOD rata-rata tertinggi pada kelompok dosis perlakuan 100 mg/kgBB. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, pemberian ekstrak daun kemangi berpengaruh terhadap kadar SOD paru tikus yang dipapar asap rokok.
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