Zulkhaidir, Andi Marwan (2020) Potensi Cyanidin-3-Glucoside buah senggani (Melastoma malabathricum L.) sebagai anti Hiperkolesterolemia secara In Silico. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Hypercholesterolemia is a condition where cholesterol levels in the body exceed the normal level in the blood. Hypercholesterolemia is not a disease, but a metabolic system disorder, one of which is caused by eating high-fat foods that can cause impaired endothelial function and lead to atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. The management of hypercholesterolemia is in the form of statin drugs, but the drug causes several side effects namely; increased blood pressure, liver damage, gastrointestinal disorders, cognitive damage, etc. Thus, alternative medicines to reduce cholesterol are safer in the form of herbal plants. One of the plants that are thought to be an alternative medicine to reduce cholesterol is senggani fruit (Melastoma malabathricum L.). Senggani fruit (Melastoma malabathricum L.) contains cyanidine-3-glucoside which can reduce blood cholesterol levels. Objective: To determine the potential of cyanidin-3-glucoside from senggani fruit as an inhibitor of the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase in silico. Method: A qualitative descriptive method using molecular docking method in silico to determine the binding affinity and the interaction of cyanidin-3-glucoside compounds contained in senggani in inhibiting the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme. Results: Docking between cyanidin-3-glucoside and HMG-CoA reductase produced a bond energy value (ΔGbind) of -7.7 kcal/mol. While the docking results from simvastatin against HMG-CoA reductase protein produced the lowest bond energy value (ΔGbind) of -6.0 kcal/mol. Conclusion: The cyanidin-3-glucoside docking bond has a strong affinity for HMG-CoA reductase protein of -7.7 kcal/mol. So that cyanidin-3-glucoside which is an anthocyanin content in Senggani fruit (Melastoma malabathricum L.) has potential as an anti-hypercholesterolemia
Hiperkolesterolemia merupakan salah satu keadaan dimana kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh melebihi batas normal dalam darah. Hiperkolesterolemia bukanlah suatu penyakit, tetapi gangguan sistem metabolik yang salah satunya disebabkan karena mengonsumsi makanan tinggi lemak yang dapat mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi endotel dan memicu terjadinya aterosklerosis dan penyakit jantung koroner. Adapun penatalaksanaan hiperkolesterolemia berupa obat golongan statin, akan tetapi obat tersebut menimbulkan beberapa efek samping yakni; peningkatan tekanan darah, kerusakan hati, gangguan gastrointestinal, kerusakan kognitif, dll. Sehingga, perlu diupayakan alternatif obat untuk menurunkan kolesterol yang lebih aman berupa pemanfaatan tanaman herbal. Salah satu tanaman yang diduga dapat menjadi alternatif obat untuk menurunkan kolesterol adalah buah senggani (Melastoma malabathricum L.). Buah Senggani (Melastoma malabathricum L.) memiliki kandungan cyanidin-3-glucoside yang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui potensi cyanidin-3-glucoside buah senggani sebagai penghambat enzim HMG-CoA reductase secara in silico. Metode: Metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode molecular docking secara in silico untuk mengetahui binding affinity dan interaksi ikatan senyawa cyanidin-3-glucoside yang terkandung dalam buah senggani dalam menghambat enzim HMG-CoA reductase. Hasil: Docking antara cyanidin-3-glucoside dengan HMG-CoA reductase menghasilkan nilai energi ikatan (ΔGbind) sebesar -7.7 kkal/mol. Sedangkan hasil docking dari simvastatin terhadap protein HMG-CoA reductase menghasilkan nilai energi ikatan terendah (ΔGbind) sebesar -6.0 kkal/mol. Kesimpulan: Ikatan hasil docking cyanidin-3-glucoside memiliki afinitas yang kuat terhadap protein HMG-CoA reductase sebesar -7,7 kkal/mol. Sehinggaa cyanidin-3-glucoside yang merupakan kandungan antosianin pada buah Senggani (Melastoma malabathricum L.) memiliki potensi sebagai anti hiperkolesterolemia
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Susanti, Nurlaili and Kristanti, Risma Aprinda | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Cyanidin-3-glucoside; Senggani fruit (Melastoma malabathricum L.); anti hypercholesterolemia; in silico; Cyanidin-3-glucoside; buah Senggani (Melastoma malabathricum L.); anti hiperkolesterolemia; in silico | |||||||||
Subjects: | 08 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES > 0803 Computer Software > 080301 Bioinformatics Software 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics > 110101 Medical Biochemistry - Amino Acids and Metabolites 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics > 110104 Medical Biochemistry - Lipids 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics > 110106 Medical Biochemistry - Proteins and Peptides (incl. Medical Proteomics) |
Departement: | ?? JPD ?? | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Andi Marwan Zulkhaidir | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 11 Sep 2020 14:18 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 11 Sep 2020 14:18 | |||||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/21367 |
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