Rohman, Muhammad Abdur (2019) Praktik jual beli tebasan buah-buahan menurut tokoh Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlotul Ulama: studi di desa Kranji kecamatan Paciran kabupaten Lamongan. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Jual beli adalah proses terjadinya transaksi antara penjual dan pembeli dengan adanya suatu barang atau benda yang dijadikan alat transaksi. Sahnya jual beli dalam Al-Quran dan Hadist, apabila telah memenuhi ketentuan syarat dan rukun. Dalam syarat dan rukun jual beli, harus ada barang yang jelas dan dapat ditimbang serta dituliskan, selain itu adanya unsur kerelaan penjual dan pembeli.
Mayoritas orang yang beragama Islam menjadikan kegiatan ini sebagai mata pencaharian mereka. Sebagaimana mayarakat di daerah Paciran yang telah melakukan transaksi jual beli dengan sistem tebasan, yakni sistem yang dilakukan oleh pedagang dengan cara memborong atau membeli semua hasil sebelum dipanen dengan cara memborong pohon-pohon yang masih berbuah, akan tetapi buah tersebut masih belum layak dipanen atau dipetik. Dalam hal ini Islam melarang jual beli tersebut dikarenakan buah yang belum waktunya berbuah tidak dapat diperjualbelikan ditakutkan sewaktu-waktu buah tersebut busuk atau tidak dapat berbuah. Tebasan dalam masyarakat sudah menjadi budaya. Hal tersebutlah yang melatarbelakangi peneliti mengeksplorasi pandangan Tokoh Agama di Desa Kranji Kecamatan Paciran mengenai jual beli tebasan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para tokoh Muhammadiyah rata-rata menyebutkan bahwa transaksi yang dijalankan oleh mayoritas masyarakat desa Kranji pada umumnya terjadi pada komoditas buah-buahan dan hasil laut. jual-beli buah-buahan yang sudah jelas masak, sekalipun masih ada di pohon, dapat dikategorikan jual-beli buah yang sudah jelas kualitasnya. Dengan kata lain, kebolehan jual-¬beli buah-buahan yang masih ada di pohon, dengan syarat sudah jelas masak. Sedangkan tokoh Nahdlatul Ulama’ menegaskan bahwa transaksi jual beli tersebut adalah sah. Hal tersebut berdasarkan pada argument bahwa jual beli tersebut merupakan tradisi.
Kajian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, berdasarkan dua sumber data. Sumber data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari masyarakat maupun Tokoh Agama di kecamatan Paciran kabupaten Lamongan dan sumber data sekunder didapat dari catatan dan buku- buku yang terkait dengan permasalahan diatas. Adapun Metode pengmpulan data yang digunakan yaitu metode wawancara dan dokumentasi.
Sale and purchase or selling is the process of the transaction between the seller and buyer which conducted in some of place with using a thing as an object. The accuracy on selling activity has been described in al-Quran and hadits if it is eligible according to pillars. Furthermore, there are should have a thing as an object which can be considered, it includes in the regulation on the activity of selling. Besides, there should agreement between the seller and the buyer.
Most of Muslim people are conducting activity such as buying and selling activities in order to their businesses and livelihoods. One of them is the activity of buying and selling trees with a slash system in Paciran Subdistrict. In the sale and purchase, the estimation is carried out by a slash system which conducted by the trader with buying all the items before harvesting by trees purchasing which are still fruiting, however, the fruits are not worth for harvesting or picking. In fact, Islam is forbid the transaction of sale and purchase because of the items (fruits) is picking up before the harvest time. Fruits before the harvest time cannot be sold and purchased in order to avoid if the fruits will spoiled, and cannot produce the fruits. However, slash system has been culturally in Paciran, East Java. For this reason, the researcher attempts to explore about the transaction of sale and purchase on slash system from the leader characters in Kranji Village, Paciran District.
The result of this research is most of the leader characters of Muhammadiyah declare that the activity of selling on slash system has been practiced in Kranji Village, it is commonly happened on commodity of fruits which has been produced eventhough before the harvest time, but it has a good quality. On the other hand, it is allowed to have transaction of selling fruits before the harvest time. Meanwhile, in Nahdlatul Ulama’ perspective insist that the transaction is allowed as long as the condition has become culture and necessarily. The most significant thing is there are some object (fruits) can be used.
This study includes in qualitative methodology. The data source is taken from primary data which acquired from the citizens and religious figures in Paciran District, Lamongan Regency, East Java. Secondary data sources are acquired from notes, books which related to the content above. Data collection methods used are interviews and documentation.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Anam, Khoirul | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | jual beli; tebasan; buah- buahan; tokoh muhammadiyah; tokoh nahdlotul ulama’; sale and purchase; freedom; fruits; muhammadiyah characters; nahdlotul ulama characters | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Syariah > Jurusan Hukum Bisnis Syariah | ||||||
Depositing User: | Heni Kurnia Ningsih | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 08 Apr 2020 15:28 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 08 Apr 2020 15:28 | ||||||
URI: | |
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