Burhan, Aisah (2019) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS terpadu pada siswa kelas VII MTS Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning merupakan konsep belajar yang dapat membantu guru mengaitkan antara materi yang diajarkannya dengan situasi dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimiliki dan di alaminya dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan mereka sebagai anggota keluarga dan masyarakat. Dengan penerapan pembelajaran ini siswa menjadi lebih termotivasi dan meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa. Keberhasilan memotivasi siswa adalah guru yang menjadi faktor utamanya, dan jika siswa termotivasi maka hasil belajar siswa otomatis akan meningkat. Karena siswa memahami dan menyukai pembelajaran tersebut.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mengetahui perencanaan pembelajaran Problem Based Learning mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas VII B di MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU. (2) mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII B di MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU. (3) mengetahui hasil pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII B MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU.
Untuk mencapai tujuan di atas, digunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Peneliti memilih jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif karena penelitian tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran Problem Based Learning mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII B MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU tidak hanya cukup pada kajian teori tentang model pembelajaran saja, tetapi perlu dibuktikan dengan turun ke sekolah langsung dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi di kelas VII B.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning di MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU, siswa dapat lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran karena materi yang diajarkan oleh guru dihubungkan langsung dengan lingkungan atau kehidupan sehari-hari siswa hingga siswa dapat lebih mudah memahami materi yang diterapkan. Guru dapat membuat siswa menjadi lebih termotivasi terhadap pembelajaran yang di ajarkan, guru dapat memancing siswa melalui pertanyaan-pertanyaan menarik seputar kehidupan mereka untuk meningkatkan antusias menjawab siswa, karena dengan begitu jawaban siswa adalah jawaban pribadiyang pasti berbeda-beda. Prestasi belajar siswa meningkat karena adanya pemahaman siswa terhadap pembelajaran, adanya kemauan siswa untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajarnya dan yang lebih terpenting karena model pembelajaran ini diharuskan untuk memahami bukan menghafal agar siswa lebih mengingat dari proses memahami tersebut.
Guru diharapkan untuk para guru/pengajar dalam dunia pendidikan harus lebih kreatif dalam menyampaikan materi dikelas, Siswa diharapkan agar lebih aktif dan kreatif serta memiliki kemauan untuk lebih ingin tahu dengan cara aktif di dalam kelas, dan lebih menggali serta mengembangkan potensi yang terdapat pada dirinya baik digunakan di lingkungan sekolah maupun masyarakat
Learning process using Problem Based Learning model is a concept of learning that can help teachers associate the material they teach with the real-world situations of students. It can also encourage students to make connections between the knowledge they’ve been had and they’ve been done with their application in their lives as family members and society. With the application of this learning, students become more motivated and increased their learning outcomes. The success of motivating students is the teacher. Teacher is the main factor to do this. If the students are motivated, their learning outcomes will automatically increase. It is happened because students understand and like the learning.
This research aims to: (1) find out the learning plan of Problem Based Learning for Integrated Social science subject toward the learning outcomes of class VII B students at MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU, (2) find out the implementation of Problem Based Learning in Integrated Social science subject to improve the learning outcomes of class VII B students at MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU, (3) find out the learning outcomes of Problem Based Learning in Integrated Social science subject to improve the learning outcomes of class VII B students at MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU.
This research used a qualitative research approach. The type of research used a qualitative descriptive. The researcher chose the type of qualitative descriptive research because the research on the implementation of Problem Based Learning in Integrated Social Science subject to improve the learning outcomes of class VII B students at MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU was not only sufficient for the theoretical study of learning models, but also it had to be proven by going directly to school by observation, interview and documentation in class VII B.
The result shows that: By using application of the learning model of Problem Based Learning at MTs Wahid Hasyim 01 DAU, students can be more active in learning. It because the material taught by the teacher is directly related to the environment or daily life of students so students can more easily understand the material applied. Teachers can make students become more motivated for learning it. Teachers can make students interest through the questions about their lives to increase their enthusiasm in answering. It is happened because students' answers are personal answers that must be different each other. Student learning achievement increases because the students understand the learning, they have willingness to increase their learning motivation and this learning model is required to understand rather than to memorize, so that students are more aware of the process of understanding it.
Teachers are expected to be more creative in delivering material in class. Students are expected to be more active and creative than before and they are expected to have the willingness to be more curious by being active in the classroom. They are also expected to explore and to develop the potential that they have in both used in schools and in society.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Ali, Nur | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | model pembelajaran problem based learning; hasil; IPS; learning model of problem based learning (PBL); outcomes; social science | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial | ||||||
Depositing User: | Dian Anesti | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 27 Jan 2020 15:26 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 27 Jan 2020 15:26 | ||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/14387 |
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