Ismail, Sarah Diena (2018) Ethnic and religion identities of Malay-Muslim community represented in the book “Negotiating Malay Identities in Singapore”. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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This research aimed at investigating the ethnic and religion identities of Malay-Muslim Community represented in the book Negotiating Malay Identities in Singapore. Identity is constantly interactively constructed on a multi-aspect of life which involves individuals from distinct angles of life. This linguistic unit has had a great impact on much research in applied linguistics, yet, is rarely to be discussed. Malay-Muslim residents in Singapore is completely a unique community since they still maintain the Malay ethnic attitudes and traditional religious practices in the modernized state. Singapore was selected as the area to collect the data since this country is a multiethnic and multicultural country that consists of various ethnics.
This research employed a Sociolinguistics approach. The data were obtained from the book which was written by Rizwana Abdul Azeez in 2016 entitled Negotiating Malay Identities in Singapore. This book is distinctive in that it is one of the few that address the limitations of the Singapore government’s capacity to micromanage and socially engineer Singapore society, picturing specifically on the state’s setbacks in imposing its vision of Islamic modernity on Malays. There were six chapters from this book that were potentially qualified to be analyzed. I specifically selected five data from each chapter which concluded that there were thirty data investigated. I selected John Edwards’ (2009) concepts of ‘ethnicity’ and ‘religiosity’ from the book Language and Identity to select the appropriate data. Further, I put the focus on the phenomenon of identity representation through the stages of Omoniyi and White (2006) from the book Sociolinguistics of Identity which presents the methodologies to investigate the data. They have successfully defined the interconnection between language, ethnicity, and religiosity.
The findings reported the power of a particular discourse in representing and projecting the real phenomena and condition of a community. Different context or situation also influences the way particular subjects positioned and constructed themselves or are positioned and constructed by the others. The findings also presented that the ethnic and religion identities were commonly appeared in the context of modernism and traditionalism. It showed that the government built its leadership identity since Malay-Muslim Community powerfully maintained its ethnic and religion identity by conducting traditional Islamic practices and defending the ‘Malay’ traditional attitude in the modern state. The author has transferred the idea of Malay-Muslim residents and discovered different insights and perspectives of ‘modernization’ from the government and community through the book Negotiating Malay Identities in Singapore.
Since this research investigated identity representation in terms of the ‘ethnicity’ and the ‘religiosity’ on Malay-Muslim Community in Singapore through a selected book, it is highly recommended for those who are interested in discovering the identity projection to follow up the findings of this research by analyzing the political identity representation on the Singapore’s government. Additionally, investigating another potential ‘unique’ community is also really worth doing. Analyzing the cultural identity representation on Chinese Community in Singapore is also interesting since this research found that Chinese Community, which acts as a migrant community at the very first time, is the highest-developed in terms of cultural practices, education system, financial management, and others. The findings of these two researches later on can be connected to produce a specific comparative study between Malay and Chinese Communities in terms of the way these communities represent their cultural identity in the multiethnic nation.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki identitas etnis dan agama pada Komunitas Melayu-Muslim di Singapura yang diproyeksikan melalui buku berjudul Negotiating Malay Identities in Singapore. Identitas secara interaktif dibangun melalui multi-aspek kehidupan yang melibatkan individu dari sudut kehidupan yang berbeda. Identitas merupakan salah satu unit linguistik yang memiliki dampak besar pada penelitian linguistik terapan, namun masih jarang dibahas. Identitas umumnya diakui sebagai konsep yang tidak tetap dan fleksibel. Penduduk Melayu-Muslim di Singapura dipilih menjadi objek penelitian karena mereka masih mempertahankan identitas etnis Melayu dan praktik keagamaan tradisional di negara maju dan modern, yakni Singapura.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Sosiolinguistik. Data diperoleh dari buku yang ditulis oleh Rizwana Abdul Azeez pada tahun 2016 dengan judul Negotiating Malay Identities in Singapore. Buku ini membahas keterbatasan kapasitas pemerintah Singapura untuk mengatur sistem negara dan secara sosial merancang masyarakat Singapura dan menggambarkan secara khusus tentang kemunduran negara dalam memaksakan visinya tentang modernitas Islam pada orang-orang Melayu. Selain itu, terdapat enam bab dalam buku ini yang berpotensi untuk diselidiki. Peneliti secara khusus memilih lima data dari setiap bab sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat tiga puluh data yang diinvestigasi melalui buku ini. Konsep Edwards (2009) tentang 'etnis' dan 'keagamaan' dari buku Language and Identity digunakan untuk memilih data dari setiap bab yang sangat terkait dengan tujuan penelitian ini. Untuk menganalisa representasi identitas, peneliti mengikuti tahapan Omoniyi dan White (2006) melalui buku Sociolinguistics of Identity.
Temuan dan diskusi melaporkan adanya kekuatan wacana tertentu dalam mewakili dan memproyeksikan fenomena nyata dan kondisi komunitas. Konteks atau situasi yang berbeda juga mempengaruhi cara subyek tertentu memposisikan dan membangun identitas diri mereka sendiri atau diposisikan dan dikonstruksi identitasnya oleh pihak lain. Temuan ini juga menunjukkan bahwa identitas etnis dan agama biasanya muncul dalam konteks modernisme dan tradisionalisme. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah membangun identitas kepemimpinannya dalam menanggapi identitas Komunitas Melayu-Muslim yang dengan kuat mempertahankan identitas etnis dan agama mereka dengan tetap melakukan praktik-praktik tradisional Islam dan mempertahankan kebiasaan tradisional 'Melayu' di negara modern ini.
Penelitian ini menyelidiki representasi identitas dalam hal 'etnis' dan 'keagamaan' pada Komunitas Melayu-Muslim di Singapura, maka sangat disarankan bagi mereka yang tertarik dalam menemukan proyeksi identitas untuk menindaklanjuti temuan dari penelitian ini. Peneliti menyarankan untuk menindaklanjuti analisa representasi identitas politik pada pemerintahan Singapura. Selain itu, menyelidiki komunitas-komunitas etnis lainnya di Singapura juga sangat layak untuk dilakukan. Menganalisa representasi identitas budaya pada Komunitas Tionghoa di Singapura juga menarik karena penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Komunitas Tionghoa, yang bertindak sebagai komunitas migran, berkembang secara pesat dalam hal praktik budaya, sistem pendidikan, manajemen keuangan , dan lain-lain. Temuan-temuan dari penelitian tersebut nantinya dapat dihubungkan untuk menghasilkan studi perbandingan antara Komunitas Melayu dan Cina dalam hal bagaimana komunitas tersebut merepresentasikan identitas budaya mereka di negara multietnis.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Susilowati, Meinarni | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | ethnic identity; identity; Malay-Muslim community in Singapore; religion identity; identitas; identitas agama; identitas etnis; komunitas Melayu-Muslim di Singapura | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Humaniora > Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris | ||||||
Depositing User: | Dian Anesti | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 09 May 2019 14:40 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 09 May 2019 14:40 | ||||||
URI: | |
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