Setiawan, Muhammad Rizal Agus (2018) The opinions of the heads of Kantor Urusan Agama Kota Malang on marriage registration outside the authorized location in the perspective of Maslahah. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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The Circular Letter of the Director General for Guidance of Islamic Community (Dirjen Bimas) Number: DJ.II.2/1/HM.01/942/2009 concerning the principles of marriage registration, the affirmation of Article 17 PMA Number 11 of the Year 2007 states that marriage registrar (PPN) should not record a marriage outside the area of his authorized location because the principle of registration is to adhere the principle of place where the ceremony is conducted, not the area of residence. A ceremony of performing marriage agreement is a major event in marriage registration. In Malang city, some people usually conduct it at Masjid Jami', which is in the area of Klojen, attended by KUA officials (penghulu) of other than Klojen such as Kedung Kandang. It complicates the KUA officials and society, while rules are made to bring benefits, especially for KUA, as the implementer of Director General's decision. Thus, the researcher is interested in examining the opinions of the heads of KUA Kota Malang on marriage registration outside the authorized location viewed from maslahah.
This study aims to describe and analyze the opinions of the Head of KUA Kota Malang on the principle of marriage registration in the perspective of benefit (maslahah) having the fact that marriage registration is somehow, even it is common, conducted outside his area of authorized.
The type of this research is empirical juridical with sociological juridical approach. The primary data are obtained through interviews with the Head of KUA related to the marriage registration. The data are analyzed under the perspective of mashlahah.
The results of the research conclude that marriage registration outside the area of the official authorized is allowed as long as the pillars and requirements of the marriage are well-fulfilled. However, it is not allowed for the magistrate guardian (wali hakim) because he to do with the area of residence and a Pledge of Magistrate Guardian based on the book of I'anatu Tholibin. Marriage registration, according to the head of KUA, brings maslahat tahsiniyat. It means that the implementation of the principle brings more benefit for the time efficiency of the headman because he does not need to go too far out of his area of jurisdiction to attend the ceremony of marriage agreement.
Surat edaran Dirjen Bimas Islam Nomor: DJ.II.2/1/HM.01/942/2009 perihal Asas Pencatatan Perkawinan, penegasan Pasal 17 PMA No. 11 Tahun 2007. PPN tidak boleh mencatat pernikahan di luar wilayah hukumnya, karena asas pencatatan adalah menganut asas tempat terjadinya peristiwa bukan domisili. Akad nikah merupakan peristiwa yang utama di dalam pencatatan perkawinan. Di kota malang pernah terjadi pernikahan di Masjid Jami’ dihadiri pejabat KUA Kedung Kandang. Terkait wilayah Masjid Jami’ masuk wilayah Kecamatan Klojen. Peraturan dibuat agar memberikan kemaslahatan. Terutama bagi KUA sebagai pelaksana keputusan dirjen tersebut, dengan menggali pendapat Kepala KUA dengan tinjauan maslahah.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pendapat, adanya asas pencatatan perkawinan, dan pendapat Kepala KUA Kota Malang terhadap pencatatan perkawinan di luar wilayah kewenangan ditinjau dari maslahah.
Jenis Penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Data primer merupakan data yang diperoleh dengan wawancara dari pendapat Kepala KUA terkait asas pencatatan perkawinan. Data di olah dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan perspektif maslahah terkait dengan adanya pencatatan perkawinan di luar wilayah kewenangan.
Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pencatatan perkawinan di luar dari wilayah kewenangan boleh asal rukun dan syarat perkawinan terpenuhi. Kepala KUA menjadi wali hakim karena berhubungan langsung dengan wilayah dan ada ikrar wali hakim merujuk pada kitab I’anatu Tholibin. Terkait pencatatan perkawinan dilihat dari pendapat kepala KUA merupakan maslahat tahsiniyat yang jika dilakukan akan lebih memberi kebaikan bagi penghulu, sebagai pejabat yang menghadiri pelaksanaan akad pernikahan yang merupakan pokok dari pencatatan perkawinan.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | ||||||
Supervisor: | Jundiani, Jundiani | ||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Kantor urusan agama; Maslahah; Marriage Registration; Opinion; Pencatatan perkawinan; pendapat. | ||||||
Departement: | Fakultas Syariah > Jurusan al-Ahwal al-Syakhshiyyah | ||||||
Depositing User: | Ainun Rosyidah | ||||||
Date Deposited: | 10 Jan 2019 14:12 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 10 Jan 2019 14:12 | ||||||
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