Gunarso, Bagus (2013) Artificial intelligence development center di Malang: Tema smart building. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang yang sedang berupaya dalam menyelesaikan masalah kesenjangan sosial ekonomi dimasyarakat. Sektor pendapatan terbesar negara ini 80% berasal dari pendapatan pajak dan cukai pemerintahan. Sesuai dengan laporan APBN tahun 2009/2010. Padahal tantangan 2010 seperti Perjanjian Perdagangan China - ASEAN (China - ASEAN Free Trade Area, CAFTA) dengan kesepakatan ini, maka barang-barang antar negara China dan ASEAN akan saling bebas masuk dengan pembebasan tarif hingga nol persen. Bangsa Indonesia dari masa ke masa bergerak dari Era Maritim ke Era Pertanian lalu Era Industrilisasi. Perkembangan teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi (infokom) serta globalisasi ekonomi telah mendorong perkembangan manusia yang dituntut untuk berkembang secara kreatif. Untuk itulah industri kreatif sangat diperlukan. Apalagi industri kreatif merupakan industri dengan sumber yang terbarukan karena berfokus pada penciptaan daya kreasi.
Menurut hasil pengamatan penulis menyimpulkan bahwa 80% lebih teknologi melibatkan kecerdasan buatan atau artificial intelligence didalamnya. Untuk itu pengembangan artificial intelligence (AI) atau kecerdasan buatan di industri, cukup memiliki prospek ke depan yang sangat luas. Beberapa macam bidang yang menggunakan kecerdasan buatan, yaitu sistem pakar, pengolahan bahasa alami, pengenalan ucapan, robotika atau sistem sensor, computer vision, intelligent computer aid instruction. Artificial Intelligence Development Center merupakan salah satu solusi dalam menumbuhkan industri kreatif baru di Indonesia. Bertujuan sebagai pusat pengembangan keilmuan artificial intelligence, forum internasional, pusat galeri, workshop, perpustakaan, tempat seminar terkait issue teknologi pengembangan kecerdasan buatan di dunia. Menyediakan laboratorium-laboratorium yang menunjang pengembangan teknologi khususnya ilmu yang terkait dengan artificial intelligence. Selain itu juga mampu mengajak masyarakat untuk terlibat langsung dalam pengembangannya.
Indonesia is a developing country that is trying to solve the problem of socio-economic inequalities in society. Sectors of the country's biggest revenue comes from 80% of income taxes and excise administration. In accordance with the Budget report 2009/2010. Yet the challenge of 2010 as China Trade Agreement - ASEAN (China - ASEAN Free Trade Area, CAFTA) with this agreement, the goods between China and ASEAN countries will be independent in with the release rate to zero percent. Indonesian nation from time to time to move from Maritime Era, Agriculture Era and industrialization Era. The development of technology, information and communications (infocomm) as well as economic globalization has encouraged the development of required human to evolve creatively. For that much needed creative industries. Moreover, the creative industry is an industry with a renewable resource because it focuses on the creation of creativity.
According to the observations the authors concluded that 80% more technologies involving artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence in it. For the development of artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence in industry, have enough future prospects are very good. Some kinds of fields that use artificial intelligence, namely expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, robotics or sensor systems, computer vision, intelligent computer aid instruction. Artificial Intelligence Development Center is one of the solutions in fostering new creative industries in Indonesia. Aims as a center for scientific development of artificial intelligence, international forums, the central gallery, workshop, library, konference where issues related to the development of artificial intelligence technology in the world. Provide laboratories that support the development of science technology, especially related to artificial intelligence. It is also able to invite the public to be directly involved in its development.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Muchlis, Aulia Fikriarini and Sedayu, Agung | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Artificial; Intelligence; Research; Smart; Building; Development; System; Center | |||||||||
Subjects: | 12 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN > 1201 Architecture > 120101 Architectural Design > 12010112 Hi-tech and Smart Architecture 12 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN > 1201 Architecture > 120110 Architecture of Building for Educational and Research Purposes > 12011099 Architecture of Building for Educational and Research Purposes not elsewhere classified |
Departement: | Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Dwi Aprilia Gendhis | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 11 Aug 2015 16:00 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 11 Aug 2015 16:00 | |||||||||
URI: | |
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