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Pengaruh kombinasi ekstrak etanol Bawang Putih (Allium sativum), Temu Mangga (Curcuma mangga) dan Jeringau (Acorus calamus) terhadap kadar enzim gpt dan got hepar Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina

Sofiyah, Sofiyah (2017) Pengaruh kombinasi ekstrak etanol Bawang Putih (Allium sativum), Temu Mangga (Curcuma mangga) dan Jeringau (Acorus calamus) terhadap kadar enzim gpt dan got hepar Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

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Hepar berperan penting dalam metabolisme dan detoksifikasi. Pengukuran enzim GPT dan GOT dapat mengidentifikasi keamanan suatu zat yang dimetabolisme oleh hati. Enzim GPT dan GOT merupakan indikator kerusakan fungsi hepar. Jamu Subur Kandungan pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jamu terhadap fungsi hepar tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) betina yang diukur dengan parameter kadar GPT dan GOT.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol 70% kombinasi ekstrak rimpang jeringau, temu mangga dan bawang putih terhadap kadar GPT dan GOT hepar tikus putih betina. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimental yaitu rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 9 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Masing-masing perlakuan tersebut adalah kombinasi dosis K- (tanpa perlakuan), K+ (klomifen sitrat dosis 0,9 mg/200 gr BB), P1 (kombinasi 1 dosis 50 mg/200 gr BB, P2 (kombinasi 1 dosis 75 mg/200 gr BB), P3 (kombinasi 1 dosis 100 mg/200 gr BB), P4 (kombinasi 2 dosis 50 mg/200 gr BB), P5 (kombinasi 2 dosis 75 mg/200 gr BB), P6 (kombinasi 2 dosis 100 mg/200 gr BB), P7 (jamu subur kandungan dosis 75 mg/200 gr BB). Hewan coba yang digunakan adalah tikus betina galur wistar yang berumur 3 bulan. parameter yang diamati adalah kadar enzim transaminase (GPT dan GOT) yang terdapat pada organ hepar. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan statistik uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji one way ANOVA dengan F tabel 5%.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan uji ANOVA nilai GPT= 0,203 dan nilai GOT= 0,554 karena nilai p >0,05. Maka hasil uji tersebut bermakna bahwa tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar enzim transaminase (GPT dan GOT) hepar tikus betina. Kadar Enzim GPT tertinggi terdapat pada P3 (46, 667) dan P7 (14,433) dengan nilai kadar terendah sedangkan pada rata-rata kadar enzim GOT tertinggi terdapat pada P6 yaitu 57,567, P4 (23,333) paling terendah namun kadar enzim GPT dan GOT hepar tikus putih betina masih dalam kategori normal. Menurut Kusumawati (2004), kadar normal GOT untuk tikus antara 30,2-45,7 IU/L dan GPT antara 17,5-30,2 IU/L sehingga penelitian pada kombinasi dosis 50 hingga 100 mg/kg BB tersebut, penggunaan jamu subur kandungan untuk meningkatkan fertilitas ini aman.


Hepar played an important role in metabolism and detoxification. Measurement of the GPT and GOT enzyme could identify security of substance which was metabolized by the liver. GPT and GOT enzyme was an indicator of the hepar function damage. Fertile Womb herbs on this research aimed to know the influence of the herb gift on the females white rat’s hepar function (Rattus norvegicus) were measured with the parameter GPT and GOT levels.

This research was conducted with the aim to find out the influence of the ethanol 70% extracts combination with Rhizome Sweet flag extract, White saffron and garlic on the level of GPT and GOT on the female white rat’s hepar. This research was a type of experimental research that was a complete random design (CRD) with 9 treatments and 3 replicates. Each of these treatments were a combination dose of K-(without treatment), K (klomifen citrate dose is 0.9 mg/200 gr BB), P1 (combination of 1 dose of 50 mg/200 gr BB, P2 (combination of 1 dose of 75 mg/200 gr BB), P3 (combination of 1 dose of 100 mg/200 gr BB), P4 (a combination of 2 doses of 50 mg/ 200 gr BB), P5 (a combination of 2 doses of 75 mg/200 gr BB), P6 (combination of 2 doses of 100 mg/200 gr BB), P7 (fertile womb Herbalism doses of 75 mg/200 gr BB). The used experimental animals were strains of wistar female rat aged 3 months. The parameters observed were the levels of transaminase (GPT and GOT) enzyme in the organ of hepar. This research results were analyzed using statistical test of normality, homogeneity test and one way ANOVA with F table 5%.

The results showed based on ANOVA test value of GPT = 0.203 and value of GOT = 0,556 because the value of p = 0.554 > 0.05. Then the test result meaned that it did not affect the levels of the transaminase enzyme (GPT and GOT) the female rat’s hepar. The highest levels of Enzymes found in the GPT P3 (46, 667) and P7 (14.433) with the lowest levels of value while in the the highest average levels of the GOT enzyme found in P6 i.e. 57.567, P4 (23.333) most of the lowest levels of the enzyme but GPT and GOT a female white rat’s hepar still in the normal category. According to Kusumawati (2004), the normal mice GOT was between 30.2-45.7 IU/L and GPT between 17.5-30.2 IU/L so that research on combinations 50 doses up to 100 mg/kg, the use of herbs in the fertile womb to boost fertility was safe.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Supervisor: Muchtaromah, Bayyinatul and Ahmad, Mujahidin
Keywords: A. calamus L.; C. mangga Val.; dan A. sativum Linn.; Enzim Transaminase; GPT; GOT; Hati Tikus Putih Betina; A. calamus L.; C. mangga Val.; dan A. sativum Linn.; Transaminase Enzyme; GPT; GOT; Female White Rat’s Hepar
Departement: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Jurusan Biologi
Depositing User: Sayyidah Awwaliyah
Date Deposited: 19 Apr 2018 15:54
Last Modified: 19 Apr 2018 15:54


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