Fakih, Muhammad Nur (2012) Hubungan Motivasi Fisiologis, Motivasi Psikologis, Motivasi Sosial, Motivasi Spiritual dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di Kota Malang. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Ada enam komponen dalam manajemen yang menentukan keberhasilan kinerja yaitu man, money, methode, machines, materials dan market. Manusia adalah makhluk Allah SWT yang sempurna (QS. 95: 4). Manusia adalah animal, makhluk individual, makhluk sosial, dan makhluk Tuhan (Dakir, 1973), manusia adalah makhluk hewani, makhluk insani, dan makhluk rabbani. Berbagai kebutuhan yang menjadi faktor motivasi manusia adalah komplek. Kebutuhan tertinggi yang menjadi faktor motivasi psikologis adalah aktualisasi diri (Maslow, 1954). Tetapi sesungguhnya dalam diri manusia itu ada ruh, ruh identik dengan Nur, Al Nur adalah sifat Tuhan (Qatadah dalam Ibnu Katsir,tt). Dalam diri manusia disamping motivasi fisiologis, motivasi psikologis dan motivasi sosial ada motivasi spiritual (Adz Dzakey, 2007, Al Ghazali, tt).
Motivasi tingkat tinggi muncul setelah motivasi dibawahnya terpenuhi (Maslow,1954). Motivasi tingkat tinggi bisa muncul sesuai dengan kebutuhan walaupun motivasi tingkat bawahnya belum terpenuhi (Boeree, 1982). Di lapangan ditemukan fenomena orang-orang yang motivasi kinerjanya sudah sampai dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual walaupun kebutuhan fisiologis, psikologis, sosial mereka belum terpenuhi, di sisi lain para guru yang usianya mendekati pensiun motivasi kinerjanya menurun, tetapi juga ditemui ada guru yang tetap semangat dalam mengajar walaupun sudah tua bahkan setelah pensiun masih tetap mengabdikan diri sebagai guru.
Motivasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja telah banyak ditemukan dalam penelitian empiris antara lain Komara (2007), Yohanas (2007), Gunawan (2009), Motivasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja guru ditemukan dalam penelitian Rusminingsih (2007), Hulinggi (2008), Khairuddin (2010). Bahwa motivasi spiritual berpengaruh terhadap kinerja telah ditemukan dalam penelitian empiris antara lain Muafi (2003), Pratikto (2009), Khairuddin (2010).
Tetapi Al Amin (2010), Ariyadi (2011) meyatakan bahwa motivasi spiritual tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja.
Dari theory gap, fenomena gap dan research gap tersebut dilakukan penelitian empiris dengan judul Hubungan Motivasi Fisiologis, Motivasi Psikologis, Motivasi Sosial, Motivasi Spiritual dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Guru PAI di Kota Malang dengan 6 rumusan hipotesis. Sampel diambil 170 responden dari 490 orang dengan cara Proportional Stratified Random Sampling. Data diperoleh dari angket yang dikonstruk dengan skala likert dan telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Untuk menyimpulkan hasil penelitian digunakan rumus analisis regresi berganda, dengan bantuan SPSS 18,0.
Temuan hasil penelitian ini adalah masing-masing motivasi saling berhubungan. Secara keseluruhan motivasi fisologis, motivasi psikologis, motivasi sosial dan motivasi spiritual berpengaruh terhadap kinerja guru. Motivasi yang dominan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja guru adalah motivasi spiritual. Adapun nilai korelasi pengaruh masing-masing motivasi terhadap kinerja guru adalah motivasi spiritual = 0,864, motivasi psikologis =0,521, motivasi sosial = - 0,137, dan motivasi fisiologis = -0,970.
Hasil temuan penelitian dapat digunakan acuan Kementrian Agama untuk pembinaan guru PAI di Kota Malang dengan meningkatkan motivasi spiritual mereka, agar kinerjanya meningkat. Dimensi motivasi spiritual dalam penelitian ini terbatas pada khauf, raja , hub ilallah, dan aktualisasi sifat Allah Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim, Al-Halim, Al-Karim, Al-Raqib dan Al-Mujib. Oleh karena itu para pakar Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dapat mengembangkan penelitian berikut dengan dimensi motivasi spiritual yang lain misal aktualisasi sifat Allah Al-Badi , Al-Mushawwir dan sebagainya.
There are six component in management that determine good performance are that man, money, methode, machines, materials, and market. Human is the perfect creature that Allah SWT has created (QS 95: 4). Human is animal, individual beings, social beings, and creatures of God (Dakir, 1973), or can be referred as animal beings, human beings, and Rabbani creature. Various needs as the factors of human motivation are complex. The highest need as the factor of psychological motivation is self-actualization (Maslow, 1954). However, actually there is spirit in man, the spirit is identical with Nur, Al-Nur is the nature of God (Qatadah in Ibn Katsir, n.d.). In addition to the physiological, psychological and social motivation, spiritual motivation also exists in man (Adh Dzakey, 2007, Al Ghazali, n.d.).
High level of motivation comes after the underlying motivations are fulfilled (Maslow, 1954). High level of motivation can occur according to the needs even though the lower levels of motivation have not been fulfilled yet (Boeree, 1982). In the field, there are people whose motivation on their performance have reached up to their spiritual needs while the physiological, psychological, and social needs have not been fulfilled yet.
Motivation that affects performance has been found in empirical research include Komara (2007), Yohanas (2007), Gunawan (2009). Motivation incluencing teacher performance has been found in the research of Rusminingsih (2007), Hulinggi (2008), Khairuddin (2010). Spiritual motivations that affects performance has been found in empirical research include Muafi (2003), Pratikto (2009), and Khairuddin (2010). Nevertheless, Al-Amin (2010), Ariyadi (2011) stated that spiritual motivation has no effect on performance.
From the theory of the gap, phenomenon gap and the research gap above, the empirical research was conducted under the title The Relations and Influences of Physiological Motivation, Psychological Motivation, Social Motivation, Spiritual Motivation on the Performance of Islamic Subject Teachers in Malang with 6 hypotheses. The samples were taken from 170 respondents of 490 people in Stratified Random Sampling Method. The data were obtained from questionnaires constructed with Likert scale on which their validity and reliability have been already tested. In deducting the result of the study, the researcher used multiple regression analysis formula with the assistance from SPSS 18.0.
The finding of this study shows that the motivations are respectively interconnected. Physiological motivation, psychological motivation, social motivation and spiritual motivations overall affect the performance of the teachers. The motivation which has dominant influence on the performance of teachers is spiritual motivation.
The research findings can be used as reference for the Ministry of Religious Affairs in coaching teachers in Malang by enhancing their spiritual motivation to increase their performance. The dimension of spiritual motivation in this study is limited to khauf, raja , hub ilallah and actualization of God's nature Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim, Al-Halim Al-Karim, Al-Raqib and Al-Mujib. Therefore, the expert of Islamic Educational Management can develop the following research with the other dimensions of spiritual motivation such as actualization of God's nature al-Badi', al-Mushawwir etc.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Dimyati, Mohammad Afifuddin and Qomar, Mujamil | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Motivasi Fisiologis; Motivasi Psikologis; Motivasi Sosial; Motivasi Spiritual; Kinerja Guru; Physiological Motivation; Psychological Motivation; Social Motivation; Spiritual Motivation; Teacher Performance | |||||||||
Departement: | Sekolah Pascasarjana > Program Studi Doktor Manajemen Pendidikan Islam | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Mohammad Syahriel Ar | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 05 Mar 2018 15:46 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 05 Mar 2018 15:46 | |||||||||
URI: | http://etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/id/eprint/10099 |
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