Manab, Abdul (2012) Manajemen Diversifikasi Kurikulum di MTS Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo Ponorogo, MTS Plus Pondok Pesantren Raden Paku Trenggalek, dan MTS Pondok Pesantren Darul Hikmah Tulungagung. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tiga masalah pokok, yakni (1) alasan diterapkannya manajemen diversifikasi kurikulum MTs Pondok Pesantren, (2) pelaksanaan manajemen diversifikasi kurikulum MTs Pondok Pesantren, (3) implikasi manajemen diversifikasi kurikulum terhadap citra MTs pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif (naturalistik) dengan pendekatan studi multi kasus. Data penelitian ini adalah informasi tentang alasan, pelaksanaan, dan implikasi diversifikasi kurikulum MTs pondok Pesantren yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi berpartisipasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan selama pengumpulan data dan setelah data terkumpul. Analisis data ini mengikuti model alir yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, serta verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan akhir.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan bahwa diversifikasi kurikulum MTs Pondok Pesantren dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa pertimbangan. Pertimbangan tersebut antara lain (1) pertimbangan terhadap siswa dan alumni MTs yang kompetensinya dalam ilmu keagamaan dan ilmu umum kurang mendalam, (2) merespon globalisasi dan perkembangan IPTEK yang cepat, dan (3) materi kurikulum nasional madrasah dirasakan belum mampu mencapai visi dan misi MTs pondok pesantren. Pelaksanaan manajemen diversifikasi kurikulum MTs Pondok Pesantren meliputi perencanaan diversifikasi kurikulum, pengorganisasian dan pengarahan diversifikasi kurikulum, serta pengendalian diversifikasi kurikulum. Manajemen diversifikasi kurikulum MTs Pondok Pesantren berimplikasi pada meningkatnya citra MTs Pondok Pesantren tersebut lebih baik.
Berdasar analisis lintas kasus dari ketiga MTs Pondok Pesantren yang diteliti, diketahui bahwa disamping ada persamaan dalam manajemen diversifikasi kurikulum MTs pondok pesantren yang diteliti, juga ada perbedaan. Persamaannya terletak pada keterlibatan pihak-pihak terkait, seperti ketua yayasan, pengurus pondok, dan kepala sekolah. Sementara perbedaan yang ditemukan adalah: pertama, MTs pondok pesantren Walisongo Ponorogo menerapkan model correelated curriculum, yaitu hubungan bermakna antara kurikulum Tarbiyah al Mu’allimin al Islamiyah (TMI) dengan MTs. Kedua, MTs Plus Raden Paku Trenggalek menerapkan model broad field curriculum, yaitu usaha untuk menggabungkan elemen-elemen penting yang ada di lapangan yang disebut kurikulum lokal. Ketiga, MTs Pondok Pesantren Darul Hikmah Tulungagung menerapkan model integrated curriculum, yaitu memadukan materi kurikulum yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan lembaga madrasah, para siswa, stakeholders, maupun masyarakat
Madrasah curriculum diversification management is a dynamic process of the systematic decision to achieve a goal based on: (1). Deepening and expansion of the madrasa curriculum which reflects the reciprocal relationship between educational institutions Stakeholders, (2). Attention the interest levels, functions, and missions agencies, (3). Perform coherent integration of these factors of educational institutions, and (4). Perceptions about the interaction of education root in the teaching and learning. This study aims to raise understanding of the management of curriculum diversification MTS. PP. The focus of this research include three aspects, namely (1). The reason the implementation of diversified management curriculum at MTS. PP. (2). Diversification of curriculum management activities in the MTS. PP, and (3). Management of curriculum diversification and implications on the image of MTS. PP.
Study use a qualitative approach to the design of Multi-Case Study and Model Multy Case study Analysis. Collecting data by using the techniques of documentation Study, Participant Observation and Interview. Key informants in this study is the Deputy Chief of Madrasah Curriculum areas of the third setting. And the process of data analysis was carried out together with the process of data collection and analysis after completion of data to be resumed. To obtain data that are completely legitimate and trustworthy truth, researchers applied data validation with order: (1). Credibility with the partnership technic, partnership, patience, repetition, direction, prejudice, certainty, and is a mismatch. (2). Dependibilitas with, planning, collecting, and presented. (3). Konfirmbility by conducting an assessment to get the quality of research, and (4). Transferability, apply the criteria in the field of research data.
Thus, this study can provide understanding of some aspects. The first aspect for reasons related to the implementation of curriculum diversification MTS. PP, include: (a). The setting up of ideas madrasah founder trustee, (b). Aspects underlying the establishment of MTS. PP (c). initial step curriculum development and operation of the MTS. PP, (d). National curriculum of madrasah, aspects of the driving institutions to diversify the madrasah curriculum in relation to the face of global competition, and (e). to avoid the occurrence of madrasa curriculum structure and the relevance of curriculum materials with the vision and mission of education organization MTS. PP.
Third MTS curriculum diversification management activities. PP include: (a). Management planning activities diversified curriculum MTS. PP, namely: (1) Form a team and establish the curriculum is implemented in accordance with the procedures applicable to the MTS. PP, (2). For learning materials diversifikatif normative and adaptive conducted in accordance with the needs of stakeholders, (3). Measures and national diversification of the national curriculum madrasas adjusted each needs MTS. PP, and (4). Models of learning in the MTS. PP based on the principle Ma'hadiyah. (B). Organizing and directing curriculum diversification through the following procedure: (1). Diversified curriculum decisions made madrasa curriculum team members meeting chaured by the head of the madrasah, (2). By application of the curriculum team responsible to the Head of the Madrasah, (3). To finalize the madrasa curriculum diversification held workshops and invited experts. (C). Control of Madrasah curriculum diversification and to move for sure, then consider a few things, namely: (1). Involve units that exist in the MTS. PP, (2). Establish monthly meetings end as a form of control, (3). Management madrasah curriculum diversification, involving various parties ranging from trustee, chairman of MTS. PP, units of madrassas and education experts, in order to realize the quality and raise the image of MTS. PP is better.
Appropriate exposure data and analysis results showed as follows: (1). Matters related to the implementation of curriculum diversification MTS. PP is: (a). depart from the thinking providers of education and madrasa education institutions in order to face global challenges, (b). the view that the curriculum of madrasa education providers nationwide madrasas still deepening and expansion necessary to meet the needs of Stakeholders, and the emphasis on linguistic communication, is a breakthrough in order to create the image of MTS. PP is better, and (c). MTS curriculum diversification. PP is supported and applied learning model Ma'hadiyah through the elements of knowledge (intellectual) behavior (sulukiah).
(2). Matters relating to the activities of management and diversification of curricula
MTS. PP is: (a). establish and define madrasa curriculum teams and institutions accountable to the Madrasah. (B). Diversification conducted curriculum planning which involves the preparation of practitioners and akedemik. (C). Organizing involves diversification of curriculum units and can actively improve the effectiveness of the student. (D). Control activities remain on the principle of diversification of the curriculum established institutions coupled with the supervision and control.
(3). Matters related to the implications of the diversification activities of MTS curriculum. PP as follows: (a). in order to terms of learning involves supporting units to create the image of the effectiveness of active learning. (B). The unit is very active language can show about the image of MTS. PP. mastered Arabic and Ma’hadiyah learning model can lift the image and better student behavior MTS. PP
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) | |||||||||
Supervisor: | Rahardjo, Mudjia and Mujab, Muhammad | |||||||||
Contributors: |
Keywords: | Kurikulum; Diversifikasi Kurikulum; Pengendalian Diversifikasi Kurikulum; Pondok Pesantren; Management Diversification Madrasah Curriculum | |||||||||
Departement: | Sekolah Pascasarjana > Program Studi Doktor Manajemen Pendidikan Islam | |||||||||
Depositing User: | Mohammad Syahriel Ar | |||||||||
Date Deposited: | 27 Feb 2018 15:41 | |||||||||
Last Modified: | 27 Feb 2018 15:41 | |||||||||
URI: | |
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